Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 12 June 2011





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

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About 5’4” tall, 36 years, fair, daughter with excellent character, BSc M.Sc qualified, Software Engineer working in foreign company in Sri Lanka, following Buddhist way of life owned house and property in Colombo suburbs Buddhist Govi parents seek suitable well educated partner below 41 years. Reply with full details. Email. [email protected]

Academically and professionally qualified partner is sought by respectable Kandyan G/B mother living in Canada for BSc and BEd qualified daughter who is working as a teacher. She is 27, 5’2’’, fair, pretty, intelligent and kind-hearted and has grown up with Sinhala Buddhist values. Inherits assets. Depending on circumstances may decide to reside Sri Lanka too. Scheculed to visit Sri Lanka end of June for a short holiday. Reply with horoscope, family and contact details. E-mail: [email protected]

Academically professionally qualified partner sought by K/G/Buddhist parents living in Canada for their fair and very pretty daughter 21 years old height 5’4” finishing her IT degree in 2012. She inherits substantial assets. Visiting Sri Lanka in June. Caste immaterial. Reply with family details horoscope and contact numbers. E-mail: [email protected]

Academically professionally qualified well mannered son is sought by B/G/K parents of Colombo suburbs for their slim, fair, pretty, religious daughter 31+, 5’3”, B.Sc. (Hons), CIMA passed finalist. Accountant in an international organization. 1,2,7,8 non-malefic. Punawasa Nekatha. Reply with details, horoscope. 011-2623435.

Academically / professionally qualified partner is sought by well connected Govi Buddhist parents for their well accomplished daughter pretty fair slim 33+ yrs. 5’6”. Divorced after a brief marriage of two months no encumbrances. Reply with horoscope and family details. [email protected]. Tel. 2856936.

Academically / professionally qualified well-mannered partner sought by respectable Buddhist parents residing abroad for daughter 24 years 5’3” slim pretty and well educated. She completed her masters degree in London (UK) and is currently studying for her DMD degree at a prestigious university in the USA. We are seeking a kind-hearted professional of good character with a strong academic background. Western educated or willing to reside overseas. Please respond with horoscope details (date/time/place of birth) to: [email protected]

Academically/professionally qualified non-smoking partner, preferably working in Sydney, is sought by Catholic Sinhalese parents living in Sydney, Australia for their 27 year old daughter slim and fair, who is a lawyer. Please reply to email address. [email protected]

Academically, professionally qualified partner is sought by B/G parents for 41 yrs. 5’1” pleasant daughter, MBA qualified, Business Consultant, fluent in English willing to migrate. Differences considered. email: [email protected]

Affluent Buddhist Govi parents Colombo suburbs seek a suitable partner for their Masters qualified daughter 30 years very fair and pretty, drawing six figure salary, owns luxury car and valuable assets. Reply with horoscope.

Affluent Sinhala Buddhist professional parents from Colombo seek a partner from a high social background for their well-accomplished, pleasant, very smart 28 year old finance professional daughter, with impeccable character, 5’3” in height and MBA from a prestigious university in USA. Presently employed in Sri Lanka drawing a six figure salary and perks. Willing to relocate as qualifications are accepted universally. She has wide interests viz. reading, music, wildlife, photography etc. Compatibility of parties takes precedence over caste and horoscope. Only families fluent in English need apply. Caste immaterial. Respond to [email protected] with all details.

A suitable partner is sought by Bodu Govi parents for their fair and pleasant daughter 28y. 4’11” graduate employed in a foreign company. Shani 1 Kuja 7. Ma nekatha. [email protected]

A suitable partner is sought for a daughter of a well-connected, respectable G/B family well-educated, employed, inherits assets, 39, 5’1” attractive, looks less than 39. Siblings professionals. Caste / religion immaterial. Widowers, divorcees considered. [email protected]

A suitable partner sought by Govi Buddhist mother for daughter 27 academically / professionally qualified having BBM and reading for MBA in England with valuable assets. Reply with horoscope and family details.

Buddhist Karawa Govi retired executive banker parents Colombo suburbs seek academically professionally qualified partner below 32 for pretty fair slim 26, 5’3” MBBS Doctor daughter. She inherits modern two storeyed house car. Only brother BSc Engineer. Please reply with horoscope family details. Phone: 011-5661663 E-mail: [email protected]

Buddhist Karawa parents seek educated professional partner for their daughter 23 yrs. 5’3” slim, fair. Pls. reply with horoscope & details.

Buddhist / K mother from Moratuwa seeks for her 23 year old 5’7” height slim medium complexioned, final Chartered Accountant student, employed in a reputed Audit Firm an educated well employed bridegroom from a middle class respectable family. She inherits house and property worth over 15M, cash and jewelry furniture etc. Reply with full details with horoscope. Email: [email protected]

B/G Co. sub parents seek professionally academically qualified partner of similar age with sober habits for Doctor (PhD) daughter holds prestigious position Govt. Service. She is 42 yrs. 5’4” slim fair V.pretty. Divorced after brief marriage. Reply with horoscope. [email protected] 011-3173898.

B/G family living Australia looking partner for their daughter 26 years 5’2” graduated from Monash University, looking partner living Melbourne with similar background professionally qualified. Reply with horoscope, Internet Email : [email protected]

B/G respectable parents from Colombo suburbs seek academically professionally qualified caring decent son with good values for professionally academically qualified pleasant fair attractive daughter 27 yrs. 5’5” Software Engineer with considerable assets. Reply with horoscope No malefics. [email protected]

B/K Sinhala parents who are citizens of United States are seeking a groom for their 23-year-old daugther with a University Degree in the Medical field and currently working as a Director at one of the leading Healthcare Companies in US. She is 5’5” slim, attractive, and has a very nice personality. We prefer a partner who is working or studying in the medical or the IT field and must be willing to move to United States. Please send us relevant details and a copy of the horoscope. [email protected]

B/G mother seeks a professionally/ academically qualified partner for 51 yrs. daughter 5’5” looks much younger medium complexion. Working as a Manager in reputed company in UAE will be visiting Sri Lanka in July. Reply with horoscope and family details. [email protected]

Colombo close by Buddhist Govi parents in public service seek an educated very handsome son for their very pretty and fair BBA graduate daughter Executive Officer in a leading Electronic Media Institution and an MBA final year student. Age 28 height 5’4”. Email: [email protected]

Colombo Sinhala Buddhist a respectable family Deva / Dura parents are looking for a suitable partner for their daughter 29 years MBBS 5’ 6 1/2” fair Kuja 8 with similar background. Father a retired Senior Officer in a State Bank mother a retired teacher. Reply by post or email: [email protected]

Educated GB 47 yrs 5’4” attractive young looking holding managerial position in a reputed semi-government organization seeks educated suitable partner for early marriage. [email protected]

Educated groom 35 - 40 is sought by respectable G/B parents for excellent charactered, fair, pretty daughter postgraduate well employed reputed company in USA, owns a car, assets, fixed deposit. Settle down according to partners wish. Email: [email protected]

Educated partner 39 - 45 is sought by G/B mother for only daughter Accountant working in Sydney 5’3” fair, slim and attractive. [email protected]

England resident 41, 5’3” attractive younger looking sister looking for professional person below 45 living in England or Europe.

Father seeks a God fearing Christian partner, established professional with no encumbrances for daughter, 33 yrs, 5’4” employed, Sinhalese / Burgher parentage. Respond to: [email protected]

GB parents in Colombo seek a loving son for their pretty fair 5’3” 28 years daughter teacher in International School. Reply with family and horoscope details Kuja, Rahu is in 7th position. [email protected]

GB parents seek kind caring professional gent for 33 year old 5’4” tall kind attractive educated daughter working in London in a leading Pharmaceutical Company as senior executive UK born. Email: [email protected]

GB parents, respectable educated family, seek a suitable partner for LLB LLM qualified daughter with foreign exposure, born 1967, 4’11” regional head of an important Statutory Board. Buildable building plot in a Colombo suburb available. Apply with horoscope. Tele. 2813797. Email: [email protected]

GB respectable parents Nugegoda seek educated well-employed tall partner for attractive employed Graduate daughter 27 height 5’11” with substantial means. Reply with horoscope. [email protected]

Govi Buddhist Colombo brother seeks a suitable partner for educated sister 38 yrs, fair, slim, pretty, 5’3’’ with a monthly income legally divorced 1 yr marriage innocent party no encumbrances, substantial gift available in cash. The partner preferably be a professional, businessman, senior executive from a simple middle class family. With or without children also considered. Caste and religion immaterial. Full details to [email protected] or Contact: 011-4340987.

Govi Buddhist parents from Colombo seek academically professionally qualified partner below 43 yrs. for pretty daughter 38 yrs. 5’4” B.Sc, M.Sc qualified and well-employed at an International donor agency with substantial assets. Reply with details and horoscope. Non-malefic horocope only.

Govi Buddhist parents seek partner for 39 year looking very young 5’1” slim pretty never married Visakhian professionally qualified daughter doing postgraduate studies in UK. Reply with full details [email protected]

Govi Buddhist respectable parents from Kandy seek academically professionally qualified partner for their pleasant MBBS pre-intern Doctor daughter 26 years 5’6”. She has a house and will inherit other assets. Please reply with horoscope and family details. Email : [email protected]

G/B mother residing in Newport Beach CA, seeks doctor / engineer / graduate US citizen partner for only daughter, 33 good looks, employed executive in Colombo for early marriage. Inherits assets worth half a million USD. Only brother U.S. citizen Executive Engineer. She will be visiting USA in June. [email protected]

G/B parents from Colombo seek educated professional partner for MBBS Doctor daughter born in 1981 height 5’4” inherits substantial assets Kuja 4. Reply with family details and HC. T.P. 0112802957. Email: [email protected]

G/B parents seek educated partner for their 26 years daughter LLB (UK). Planning to go abroad for further studies. [email protected]

Kandyan Buddhist (Bathgama) parents seek academically/professionally qualified partner for their 29 years old daughter (5’3’’) educated BA (Languages) and with Masters working in a semi-government organization. Reply with family details and horoscope. [email protected]

Moor family seek genuine, religious well mannered professional partner living & working in USA, UK, Australia, Canada etc for honest, decent, moderately religious, divorced daughter aged 35, 5’2” fair & beautiful. She is a Montessori Teacher, willing to migrate, owns a new upstair house in Colombo 6. [email protected]

Moor mother Colombo seeks religious qualified partner for educated working daughter 26 yrs. 5’3” owning house. Contact with details. email: [email protected]

Moor parents from Kandy seek a suitably qualified partner for their only daughter, 29 years old English graduate working in a prestigious educational institution. She is slim, fair, pretty and 5’3” in height. Email: [email protected]

Moor parents looking for suitable partner for educated daughter 32+ slim 5’5” kind Colombo residence. Please email to [email protected] or send by post.

Moor Southern mother professional brother seek professional business partner for sister 33+ 5’2” very fair. [email protected]

Parents G/B seek educated partner for their daughter 29 years B.Sc & M.Sc in UK, Computer Engineering / Management. Currently in Sri Lanka. Saturn & Kuja 7th house. [email protected]

Professionally qualified N/S T/T partner below 30 sought by G/B respectable father for his fair pleasant 27, 5’6” daughter academically qualified pre-school teacher brought up with Buddhist values. Presently employed at a leading Interantional School in Colombo. Willing to migrate. Rahu in the Seventh House. Reply with horoscope and family details. [email protected]

Professional Buddhist parents living in Australia looking for a well educated N/S, T/T kind hearted son with good moral Buddhist values for their pretty, caring well mannered daughter with excellent character, 29 yrs, 5’4’’ height, graduate, well employed and brought up with Sinhala Buddhist values. Please reply with full details and copy of horoscope. E-mail replies are preferred. E-mail: [email protected]

Respectable Buddhist Govi Kandyan parents seek academically / professionally qualified partner for English graduate daughter 28, 5’5”, slim fair, substantial assets similar family background preferred. [email protected]

Respectable Buddhist parents from Sri Lanka seek professionally qualified suitable partner for their professionally qualified attractive daughter, 30 years, employed at a senior staff level in a reputed International Financial Organization in London. Divorced after a brief marriage (complainant innocent party). No encumbrances. Write with all details and horosocope only via email, [email protected]

Respected Kandyan G-R/B parents with means, seek marriage partner for their pleasing daughter 35, innocent divorcee, with no encumbrances. Now biotech postdoctoral researcher in university, Eastern USA. Kindhearted person with matching status and interests sought. Send horoscope, all details. Email: [email protected]

Respectable G/B sister seeks a handsome professional partner 46/50 for a well mannered beautiful professionally qualified  well brought up reasonable divorces and immigration considered. [email protected]

Salagama Buddhist respectable parents from Colombo seek a suitable professional partner for their daughter 31 MBBS doctor now attached to a General Hospital in Colombo. She is 5 feet in height fair and with sober habits. She owns a large house in Colombo and other assets including a motor vehicle other family members are also educated. Please reply with full details and copy of horosocpe. Caste immaterial. E-mail: [email protected]

Sinhala Buddhist parents living in U.S.A. seek academically professionally qualified partner for 24, 5’4” fair pretty final year engineering degree seeking daughter. Please respond with horoscope & details. Email : [email protected]

Sinhala R/C, Buddhist parents from a respectable family in Kandy, seek an educated, well employed N/S partner below 31 yrs. for their 24 yr old employed daughter. Respond with full family details and copy of horoscope. Email: [email protected]

Sinhalese Govigama Catholic parents living in UK seek a professionally qualified partner for their Doctor daughter 24 yrs. 5’6” slim fair she inherits assets in Sri Lanka and UK. Please furnish full details. Email: [email protected]

Sri Lankan Moor parents residing abroad seek professionally qualified partner for 23 year old undergrad daughter residing and studying out of Sri Lanka. Parent in Sri Lanka on Holiday. [email protected]

S/G/B parents living in Canada seek academically and professionally qualified son for their fair, slim petite 32 years old daughter, who is after dissolution of a very short marriage with no encumbrances. She is a qualified professional working in Canada. She has been brought up in a Sinhalese Buddhsit environment. Please reply with details to [email protected]

Widow RC Sinhala mid-sixties well-established having consultancy practice seeks similar professional partner socially outgoing with means. Reply with contact number. [email protected]




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