Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta:
A soothing balm for the human mind
Buddha, the great teacher, delivered His first
sermon, the Dhammacakappavattana Sutta, the Discourse on the
inauguration of the Reign of Righteousness, literally the setting of
“Righteousness or Dhamma” to the Panchavaggiye Bhikkhus namely
Kondanna, Vappa, Bhaddhiya, Mahanama and Assaji at Isipatana,
Migadaya, as an Enlightened One or Awakened One on Esala Full Moon
Poya Day.
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Saved through blood, sweat and tears:
Her voice quivers when she reads out the
certificate given by the Government in honour of her son’s bravery;
she could not find words to express her feelings. Even after nearly
21 years, she still cries recalling how her ‘Saliya putha’ embraced
her before leaving home for duty, proudly carrying his uniform.
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Listen to the ocean......
Echoes of a million sea shells
The Ocean, the continuous body of saline water
encircling the world, has given rise to voyages, discoveries, fossil
fuels, food and even to tsunamis and storms creating devastation. It
fascinated generations of poets, artists, musicians and writers.
This great water mass covers almost 75% of the earth and is an
immense wealth of resources.
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