Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta:
A soothing balm for the human mind
by Premasara EPASINGHE
Buddha, the great teacher, delivered His first sermon, the
Dhammacakappavattana Sutta, the Discourse on the inauguration of the
Reign of Righteousness, literally the setting of “Righteousness or
Dhamma” to the Panchavaggiye Bhikkhus namely Kondanna, Vappa, Bhaddhiya,
Mahanama and Assaji at Isipatana, Migadaya, as an Enlightened One or
Awakened One on Esala Full Moon Poya Day.
This contains the most important teachings of the Buddha, how to live
the Middle Path (Madhyama Patipada) which is detailed as the noble
Eightfold Path (Ariyaastangika Magga) and the Four Noble Truths
Chaturarayasattaya which the Blessed One understood and attained while
attaining complete wisdom - Buddhahood.
The most sacred Piruvana Poth Vahanse consists of 30 important Suttas
beginning with Saranagamana, taking refuge in the Buddha, Dhamme and
Sangha and concluding with Atanatiya Sutta, in the Chattuthabhanava.
Some of the most popular Suttas are Mahamangala, Ratana and Karaniya
Metta which were extracted from Khuddheka Nikkeya, Dhajagga and
Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta from Samyutta Nikaya.
Scientific approach
The crux of the Buddhist philosophy and scientific approach to
Buddhism is embodied in the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta. There are 18
stanzas in the Wheel of Righteousness and it begins with the following
Evam me suttam ekam samayam Bhagava Bhavasiyam, Isipatane, Migadhaye,
Tatra kho Bhagava, Panchavaggiye, Bhikku Amantesi, Dve me Bhikkhave anta
pabbajitena sevitabha yo cayam Kamesu Kamasukkelikanuyogo, hino, gammo,
pothujanniko ...... yo ceyam attakila matanuyogo, dhukko, anariyo,
anettasamhito, Ete te uboante anupagamma Majjhima Pahpade Thethegatho
Abisambudda, Chakkukarani - Nanakarani, Upasamaya Abhinnaya Sambhodaya
Nibbanaya Samvattati.....
(Thus it has been heard by me. Once upon a time the lord was
sojourning in Baranasi at Isipatane, Migadaya.
(Deer park or animal sanctuary). The Buddha addressed the bhikkhus
who belonged to the Group of Five: “Monks there are two extremes which
should not be followed The attachment of worldly enjoyment or pleasures.
They are low, common, belonging to common men, ordinary man, ignoble,
connected with Misery.
There is attachment to self mortification, suffering ignoble. Without
approaching or following these two, follow the Middle Path. That path
produces insight, knowledge, which leads to serenity, special knowledge,
Higher Enlightenment and the bliss of Nibbana.”)
Buddhist philosophy
Buddhism or Buddhist Philosophy is meant for “Pannarantassa”, (The
wise). The deep philosophy embodied in the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta,
proves beyond doubt, the philosophy of Buddhism.
In the second stanza:
Ete te Bhikkhave, ubho ante, anupagamma Majjima patipada, Thathegatha
Abhisambuddha, Chakkukarani Nanakarani- Upasamaya Abhinnaya Sambodhaya,
Nibbanaya, Samvattati.
(Without approaching these two extremes - (Kamasukallikanu and
Attakilamatanu) the Middle path has been realised by the way farer,
producing insight knowledge which leads to serenity, special knowledge,
highest enlightenment and Nibbana.)
In the third stanza of the Dhammachakkapavattana Sutta, the
enlightened One stressed the value and importance of the Noble Eightfold
Path: Right Vision, Right Intention, Right Word, Right Occupation, Right
Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration.
In the Wheel of Dhamma, the fourth stanza of Dhammacakkappavattana
Sutta deals with the Truth of suffering, Birth, Old age, illness, Death.
This is the truth of life which we face even today. The Buddha is
like a physician. Just as a doctor diagnoses different illnesses, their
causes, the antidotes and remedies and the way to apply them the Buddha
has taught the Four Truths (chaturaryasathaya) which indicate the range
of suffering, the origin, the cessation and the way which leads to the
cessation. These Four Truths are included in the Dhammachakkapavattana
Great philosophers, renowned scientists, erudite scholers today,
speak very high of Buddhists Philosophy.
Once, Prof. Rhys David stated: “Buddhist or not Buddhist, I have
examined everyone of the great religious systems of the world, and in
none of them have I found anything to surpass, in beauty and
comprehensiveness, the Noble Eightfold Path and Four Noble Truths of the
Buddha. I am content to shape my life according to that path.”
Noteworthy feature
Another vital noteworthy feature of this great Dhammacakkappavattana
Sutta was from verses or stages 8 - 11, the Buddha repeatedly states in
realising the Noble Truth of Suffering, with reference to the doctrine
unheard of before Buddha stated,
Eye Arose - Chakku Udapadi, cognition Arose - Nagnam Udapadi, Wisdom
Arose, Panna Udapadi, Knowledge Arose - Vijja Udapadi, Light Arose -
Aloko Udapadi.
These lines are repeated 12 times in the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta
and prove a point that Buddhism is for the intelligent, wise and
knowledgeable ones. There is no blind faith in Buddhism .
The Panchavaggiya Bhikkhu were the first disciples. Later the Buddha
sent 61 disciples in different directions to preach the doctrine for the
welfare of Mankind.
Buddhism is a plan for living in such a way as to derive the highest
benefits from life. It is a religion of wisdom as shown in the
Dhammachakkapavattana Sutta, where knowledge, intelligence and wisdom
predominate. The Enlightened One did not preach to win converts, but to
enlighten listeners.
If you deeply analyse the Philosophy of Buddhism, the Buddha did not
preach only for the 600 million Buddhists, but for the whole mankind.
Every religion, which came into existence after the Buddha and
Buddhism have borrowed many good ideas. Buddhism is realistic. It takes
a realistic view of life and the world.
The Buddha is a pioneer as a lover of Mankind, and a philosophic
genius rolled into a single, vigorous and radiant personality. This is
clearly shown in the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta . Buddhism wields only
“one sword” - the sword of wisdom. It recognises only “One Enemy” -
ignorance. The Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta is a fine example to prove
13th stanza
In the 13th stanza of the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta He states
Nananca pana me dassanam udepadio Akuppa me Cetovimutti, Ayamanthime
Jati Nathi dani punnabbvoti. Idam - avocca Bhegheve Attamana
Panchavaggiya Bhikku Bhagavato Bhasitam Abinandunti.
(The release of my mind is not disturbed. This is my last birth.
There is no future becoming now, “The blessed one uttered.) The Bhikkus
who belonged to the group of five (Panchavaggiya) being happy approved
the words of the Buddha.
According to the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta The Devas of the Earth,
transmitted the message to the many heavenly abodes such as
Catummahrajika, Tavatimsa, Yama, Tusita, Nimmanarati,
Paranimmitavasavatti, Brahmaparisajja, and Devaj Brammapurohitha,
Mahabrama, Paritthabha, Appamanabha, Abhassara, Parittasubha Subakin
Vihappala, Aritta, Attappa, Sudassa, Sudassi and Akanitaka.
It is said the message rose upto the Brahma world and tens and
thousands of elements at the world trembled, and were shaken and great
lights unlimited appeared.
The last lines of the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta specially refer to
one of the five disciples namely Kondanna. Kondanna gained knowledge.
(Annasi). Kondanna or Kondiyana was the first disciple of Sakyamuni
Buddha. He was a son of a very wealthy Brahmin family near Kapilavasthu
and was born before the Buddha. He was one of the Brahmins who predicted
Prince Siddartha Gauthama will be a Buddha out of seven Brahmin.
“Atha kho Bhagava udanam uddanesi,
Annasi vata bho Kondanno, Annasi,
Vata bho Konanno’ ti, Itihidam Ayasmato
Kondannassa - Anna Kondannotveva
Namam Ahositi
Then the Buddha uttered an exclamation of Joy, “Indeed, my dear
Kondanna has gained knowledge. On this reason Annakondanna became
Venerable Kondanna.”
Book of Protection
The great book of Protection, known as Maha Pirith Poth Vahanse is
recited in temples and houses to ward of evil and bring luck.
The Paritta book is divided into sections, called Bhanavaras -
recital. The first Bhanavara ends with Dhajjaparitta second with
Isigilisutta, third with first part of Attanatiya and fourth with the
second part of Attanatiya Sutta.The important Sutta,
Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta is recited daily at the Mulagandakutivihara
Varanasi. Listening to the recording of the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta
live from Mulagandakuti Viharaya which is telecast on Independence
Television Network daily. at 4.35 am is a soothing balm to our minds.
Sabbe Satta, Bhavantu Sukitatta
May All Living Beings Be Well and Happy!.
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