DuPont to boost agri market
DuPont will build a profitable business in Sri Lanka focusing on
agriculture, food and nutrition said President South Asia DuPont,
Balvinder Kalsi. He was addressing a ceremony to launch the entry of
DuPont Lanka Ltd. into the local market.
He said Sri Lanka has huge opportunities for business which are very
much linked to the core businesses of DuPont. DuPont will serve local
customers focusing on key growth markets aligned to the Sri Lankan
DuPont, a science and research company started operations as a
gunpowder factory in USA in 1802. The company which commenced business
with 40 employees and a turnover of US$ 15,000 has expanded into a US$
32 billion entity with over 60,000 employees in 90 countries.
“DuPont will also focus on opportunities in the textile,
infrastructure and construction sectors in Sri Lanka”, Kalsi said.
DuPont runs 13 businesses globally with Kelvar, Nomex, Teflon and
Tyvek as some of its leading global brands.
Country Manager DuPont Lanka (Pvt) Ltd., Mahinda Halangode said
DuPont will market high yielding seeds and help the agriculture sector
to produce quality food for more people.
- LF