More projects from Hydro Power Free Lanka
Two more hydropower projects now under construction by Hydro Power
Free Lanka PLC (HPFL), a subsidiary of Free Lanka Capital Holdings will
supply around two mw to the national grid on completion. The projects
are at Thebuwana at Kuruwita and at Stellenberg at Gampola.
The company has obtained BOI and other relevant approvals for these
projects, which are scheduled to be completed by mid next year after
which the power produced by them will be purchased by the government.
Construction work began in January this year.
A company spokesman said that the power purchase agreement has been
signed with the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) for a period of 20 years.
With the expansion of the hydropower projects HPFL has formed three
subsidiary companies to manage and operate them.
One of the subsidiaries, HPFL 2 owns the Thebuwana project and the
Stellenberg project is owned by HPFL 3. The third subsidiary, Free Lanka
Power 1 (Pvt) Ltd owns two mini hydropower projects - Halgran Oya I &
II. HPFL is already supplying 3.2 Mw to the national grid from its
Sanquhar and Delta Plant.