Dementia could hit over 65s by 2020
by Ananda Kannangara
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) said that at least 20
percent of the Sri Lankan population over 65 years could be hit by
dementia by 2020.
Consultant Psychiatrist, NIHM, Dr. Kapila Ranasinghe told the Sunday
Observer yesterday that dementia has been defined as progressive loss of
memory and intellectual functioning that would impede a person's
day-to-day activities. Dr. Ranasinghe also warned health workers.
Family members of those with dementia should be more vigilant when
caring for such people.
He said caring for loved ones with dementia poses many challenges for
the families and care-givers. Therefore, carers need to make a greater
effort and exercise patience to cater to the needs of the patients in
their care.
"Those with dementia should not be punished or chided.
The environment in which the patient lives should be made conducive,
speak to the person in a calm and reassuring voice, avoid annoying or
arguing with the patient and get them to follow medication and always
highlight their capabilities," he said.
Referring to the book he launched recently on `Understanding
Dementia', Dr. Ranasinghe said that the book was designed with practical
knowledge, tools and expertise for all health care workers and family
members who care for those with dementia.