Call for eco-friendly volunteers
The Eco Friendly Volunteers, a non profit organisation focusing on
environment conservation invites applications from Sri Lankan youth to
join their Kelani Nadee Yathra their journey along the Kelani River,
educating the public on global warming.
The Eco Friendly Volunteers (ECO V) hope to select 20 youth
representing all nine provinces. The journey will be from August 15 to
September 01 starting from Sri Pada and ending at Wattala where the
Kelani River meets the sea.
Applicants must be ready for a 12-15 day. travel along the river, a
distance of 145km as messengers of combating climate change and
protecting bio diversity.
If you are between 18 - 28 years and ready to take the responsibility
and the leadership to protect and conserve environment, send your
applications via mail to Eco Friendly Volunteers (ECO-V), 42/3/I, Nadee
Uyana, Gangarama Road, Boralesgamuwa. e-mail could be sent to [email protected].
Applications close onJune 25