Cricket - serious routine at Mahamaya, with practice nets...
by Upananda Jayasundera - Kandy Sports Special Corr.

Doing something, well, do it the proper way. This seems to be the policy
of Mahamaya Girls College. They seem to be very interested
in taking the game of cricket to their hearts and the school
authorities are extending all facilities to the girls to
further their interest in cricket. In the picture the
Principal of Mahamaya Girls College Mrs. Indra Withanachchi
(second from right) discusses something on cricket with the
teacher-in-charge of cricket Mrs. C. Kurukulasuriya and two
girls Hasangi Tennakoon (left) and Dhanushika Muhandiram
about the progress of cricket at the school. Picture by
Upananda Jayasundera - Kandy Sports Special Corr.
CRICKET: Girls playing cricket is as serious as when the boys play
that game. Mahamaya Girls College, Kandy is a school well-known for
their sports activities like netball, athletics and so on. But now,
Mahamaya girls have taken to playing cricket in a serious manner.
Mahamaya's policy seems to be that once the school has given its
blessing for the game of cricket to be played by the school, then it
must be done on the correct lines. The school has got up cricket nets
for practices and the school authorities seems to be very serious about
playing cricket.
The first cricket not of Mahamaya Girls College, Kandy will be
declared open by the Governor of Central Province Tikiri Kobbekaduwa on
Thursday June 16 at 8.30 a.m.
Mahamaya authorities seem to be quite understanding and in the spirit
of give and take the school authorities have made the cricket not
available for other girls schools in Kandy to use, so that the game can
be made very popular among girls schools.