In brief
Carey Old Boys vs Present Boys at rugby on June 18
RUGBY: Carey College Old Boys will play a rugby match against Present
Boys on Saturday June 18 at Havelock Sports Club grounds at 4 p.m. There
is no charge for entrance and all boys are welcome.
Sahan Wijeratne - scores a century
CRICKET: A former winner of the Observer Schoolboy Cricketer of the
Year Contest - Sahan Wijeratne has represented Caistor Cricket Club and
scored his first century at the Lincolnshire County Cricket League
Cricket Tournament.
Sahan also got two wickets, conceding only 30 runs. He was Schoolboy
Cricketer All Island in 2002.
In the first two games, Sahan scored 92 and 84 and in bowling, he
captured 4 wickets for 34 runs.

Table Tennis Coaching ... International Level One Table
Tennis Coaching Course was held at Kingswood College for
trained teachers. Six male teachers and seven female
teachers followed the course from May 24 to 27. Front Row
(Seated from left): Dilmini Direckze (Course Conductor), N.
Ellepola (Coach), Ranjith Chandrasekera (Principal,
Kingswood College), Gamini Silva (Coach). Middle Row (from
left): W. Wijesooriya, G. Abeysekera, M. Sakalasooriya, M.
Ratnayake, M. Ranawana, M. Ratnayake and D. Jayasuriya. Back
row (from left): A. de Silva, T. Tennakoon, L. Ekanayake, W.
Wekadapola, S. Samarasinghe and W. Dissanayake. Picture
by Upananda Jayasundera - Kandy Sports Special Corr. |