Channel 4 does it again!
The notorious British television
Channel 4, has released the latest edition of its concocted series. This
is yet another attempt by the infamous British television channel to
discredit Sri Lanka in the eyes of the world with doctored television
The production of Channel 4's tendentious film "Sri Lanka's Killing
Fields' has been evidently made at the behest of certain parties with
vested interests. It is abundantly clear that the fabricated video
caters only to the interests of separatist and terror forces living
outside Sri Lanka.
The latest Channel 4 video proves beyond a shadow of doubt that it is
a desperate exercise by a minuscule section of the international media.
The ultimate objective of these sinister elements is to push Sri Lanka
back to war, by way of lacerating the wounds that the country is
attempting to heal through a well-planned reconciliation process.
Channel 4 had aired the doctored film without any guarantee of its
authenticity. The film has the potential to incite hatred among
different communities in Sri Lanka, including future generations, and
would thereby, adversely affect the ongoing national reconciliation
The malicious allegations woven in the film on the conduct of the Sri
Lankan Army run counter to the high standards maintained by the Sri
Lankan Army, which had been given strict orders to protect human rights
at all times. There had been numerous instances where the soldiers had
to sacrifice even their lives as they had to give priority to human
rights even at the height of the conflict.
Those who pontificate to Sri Lanka on human rights should bear in
mind that Sri Lanka had fought the deadliest battle against the world's
most ruthless terrorist outfit. When over half a million people were
held as a human shield by the LTTE and the terrorists exploded bombs
indiscriminately targeting civilians, regrettably there wasn't even a
single human rights organisation that came to the rescue of those
hapless civilians.
Hence, Sri Lanka's gallant Security Forces risked their life and limb
and embarked on the world's largest human rescue mission and liberated
around 600,000 civilians from the jaws of LTTE terror in the North and
the East.
Thousands of soldiers made the supreme sacrifice to liberate those
civilians and helped provide a secure future for them.
These "godfathers" of human rights should take due cognizance that
Sri Lanka has already implemented its own mechanism for the
reconciliation process, just as much as the country found its own
successful formula to eradicate terrorism. The Lessons Learnt and
Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) has made considerable progress with its
own findings. This has been the order of the day in any part of the
world after a conflict situation.
Acutely aware of comparative experiences elsewhere and local
sensitivities, the LLRC, which reflects the pluralistic nature of Sri
Lankan polity in its composition, has held over 200 public sittings
covering former conflict areas as well. Had there been any genuine human
rights violations during the final phase of the battle against
terrorism, as alleged by certain quarters in the West, the LLRC would
definitely take due note of them and effect remedial measures.
The West should also take serious note of the prevailing peaceful
atmosphere in the island after terrorism was eradicated. The people in
the North as well as those in the South equally enjoy the dividends of
People in far-flung areas across the country now enjoy that innermost
peace and, moreover, rejoice that no civilian has been affected in any
manner due to any act of terrorism after the LTTE leadership perished in
May 2009.
It's needless to state that Sri Lanka needs friends in the
reconciliation process and not mere arbitrators or judges to take the
country to task.
Such insidious attempts by the West, or any other organisation for
that matter, would shatter the aspirations of the majority of those
living in Sri Lanka. Those who show an uncanny concern for the so-called
human rights violations or the well-being of the Tamil community, should
make a perceptible contribution to the Government's development efforts
in the North and the East.
It is an open secret that Channel 4 has more often than not relied on
footage already publicised by pro-LTTE websites and media organisations
and also those claimed to have been supplied by the pro-LTTE lobby.
Therefore, the viewers should think twice before drawing any
conclusions on the basis of this film. Channel 4's gross amplification
of sensitive matters, on face value, insinuates only a sinister motive
driven by a well-orchestrated political agenda against Sri Lanka.
Those who look at Sri Lanka with tinted glasses must first and
foremost tour the North and the East to get first-hand information on
what the Government had done to improve the quality of life of those who
had been rescued from LTTE terror. The selfsame people who had been
subjected to untold misery have now opened a new chapter in their lives.
Sri Lanka has a proud history of over 2,500 years of glory. It is one
of the few nations which had protected human rights from time
Countries which have a civilisation of only a few centuries need not
preach to Sri Lanka on human rights.
Sri Lanka stands out as a nation which maintains high traditions and
protects values when it comes to human rights. Its gracious hospitality
has been known the world over for many centuries. People in any part of
the island kindly treat even a stranger who calls for assistance.
They care not only for humans, but also for animals. The rich culture
associated with Buddhism does not approve animal slaughter. These
time-honoured values are woefully lacking in the West. Has anyone ever
witnessed a cow being released from slaughter in the West? This is seen
in umpteen numbers daily in Sri Lanka.
The pertinent question is whether people in the West have a social
and moral right to talk on human rights as it was their forefathers who
invaded countries such as Sri Lanka and killed thousands of innocent
people. Who is accountable for the innumerable number of killings and
human rights' violations during the British rule from 1815 to 1948?
It is astonishing to note that those countries which should be held
responsible for the countless number of human rights' violations in
countries such as Sri Lanka are now weeping buckets of crocodile tears.
This is perhaps the biggest joke in the history of human rights. |