Ban Ki-moon nominated to top UN post for second term
The UN Security Council on Friday “adopted by
acclamation” a resolution to nominate incumbent UN Secretary-General
Ban Ki-moon for a second five-year term, the Council President told
reporters here.
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‘World’s largest emerald’ goes on display in Colombia
The largest emerald in the world has gone on
display for the first time in Colombia, the country where the giant
stone was originally discovered. It has up to 15,000 carats and has
been kept in its original form since it was found in Boyaca, around
47 miles (75km) north of Bogota, 12 years ago.
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US diver on maverick mission to find Bin Laden’s body
A US salvage diver says he will scour the bottom
of the north Arabian Sea to hunt for the body of Osama Bin Laden.
Bill Warren says that he wants to establish once and for all whether
the al-Qaeda leader was killed by US forces in May,
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