US diver on maverick mission to find Bin Laden’s body
18 June BBC
A US salvage diver says he will scour the bottom of the north Arabian
Sea to hunt for the body of Osama Bin Laden.
Bill Warren says that he wants to establish once and for all whether
the al-Qaeda leader was killed by US forces in May, and then buried out
at sea. Mr Warren, 59, says his search will begin in about four weeks
time, and will cost around $400,000 (£245,000). He admits it will be
like looking for a needle in a haystack, but maintains it is not an
impossible mission.
Deep-sea search Mr Warren, who runs a California-based salvage
company and has worked on 200 ship wrecks, told the BBC he had “some
doubts” as to whether Osama Bin Laden was dead because the US government
had not showed any images of the body. Should he succeed in his mission,
he says, he will photograph and video the corpse, and also take a sample
of hair - either from Bin Laden’s head or his beard - for verification
Mr Warren admitted the chances of success were slim, but said modern
equipment could scan large areas of the sea floor.
“I’ve done side scan sonar in 10,000 feet (3,000m) of water and
spotted a toilet, a tyre, a coffee cup - you can actually see the
ripples on the sand.”
Mr Warren says his search will begin in the shallow waters off
Pakistan. If that proves fruitless, then he will move to a deep water
search. He says he is hoping for a tip-off on the approximate location
that the body was thrown overboard.