Demand by Fonseka for removal of Army camps in North:
Betrayal act condemned
Once again attempts to undermine the supreme
sacrifices made by soldiers:
by Manjula FERNANDO, Uditha KUMARASINGHE, Ananda
Former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka, who was fortunate enough to
leave Welikada prison under a special presidential pardon, made a highly
irresponsible and betrayal statement to the Tamil media that Military
camps in the North should be moved out.
He once again attempted to undermine the supreme sacrifices made by
soldiers of the very same Army he once commanded. Making full use of the
special presidential pardon that enabled him to come out of prison with
more than three years ahead of his full five-and-a-half-year jail term,
Fonseka once again played the role of a traitor by making a statement
that would provide ammunition to the West.
It is still fresh in our minds how Fonseka undermined the great feats
of the country’s Security Forces in his lust for power and made
controversial statements, that helped the West to take Sri Lanka to
task, during his unsuccessful presidential election campaign in 2010.
In his latest betrayal, Fonseka has endorsed statements by the
countries such as the US and UK in stating that Military camps in the
North should be withdrawn. That would risk lives of thousands of people
living in the North East. It is highly irresponsible statement by
Fonseka who is acutely aware of the danger but continues to play his
double games for political gain.
Fonseka is dancing to the melody of the West, making different
statements to South and North. Here are some of the views expressed by
politicians, social and religious leaders on his disgraceful statement.
Northern Province Majlis Shura President Moulavi Abdul Mubarak (Razzadi)
a time when the people are reaping the dividends of peace, after the
elimination of nearly 30 years old LTTE terrorism, former Army Commander
Sarath Fonseka’s statement is similar to fishing in troubled waters.
The Moulavi said that the former Army Commander is trying to make the
Tamil people victims.
Moulavi Mubarak recalled previous statement of former Army Commander
there was no room for Tamils and Muslims in Sri Lanka. For his
individual sake he is making different statements from time to time.
The Muslims in the North know the real situation. They are still
beholden to the Army’s assistance when they were forcibly evicted by the
LTTE from the North overnight. The Army provided them with food and
transport to safer places.
Even though Sarath Fonseka held a top position in the Army, he did
nothing to protect those people. Once again the Muslims in the North are
not willing to create such a situation. The service of army is crucial
in the North and the East. The people in the North and East have resumed
their normal lives under the protection of Armed Forces, according to
Moulavi Mubarak.
President Mahinda Rajapaksa has taken steps to provide a political
solution to Tamil people, the Majlish Shura President said.
The Forces have been stationed in the North and East for the security
of the people, not to interfere in the civil administration, Moulavi
pointed out.
Now former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka is trying to satisfy the
Western community victmising the nation. All politicians behind this are
performing only for their political sake, not for the country.
Information and Media Minister Keheliya Rambukwella
someone is trying to take advantage of a situation by calling for the
removal of military camps located in the North, that is wrong.This is a
time to think in terms of national interest, to unite as Sri Lankans,
especially since the pro-LTTE diaspora is aiming for a good opportunity
to justify their call for a separate State.
Even though the war has been won the call for a separate State by the
LTTE has not been put to rest by the terrorist elements. No one should
try to undermine the hard won peace for petty political advantages.
I see this as an attempt to lay the path or set the ground for
external forces to interfere in the internal affairs of Sri Lanka.
Public Administration Minister W.D.J. Seneviratne
of Army camps should not be mixed with politics.
The number of the Army camps, and the soldiers in the North and the
East or the South is vital for national security. Such national issues
should be handled with utmost care.
It is true that the conflict was over in Northern and Eastern
Provinces. It does not mean that the government should neglect the
national security in those areas.
The government has its sole responsibility of maintaining law and
order in the country. Therefore the removal of Army camps cannot be done
as called for by irresponsible people.
Sports Minister Mahindananda Aluthgamage
was happy about the release of Sarath Fonseka. But he should be able to
behave in a manner without becoming a trouble-maker to the country. At
present he has become a trouble-maker to both the UNP and the JVP.
The Minister said Fonseka wants to conduct an international inquiry
on alleged war crime charges and withdraw the military camps in Jaffna.
Actually this is not the same Sarath Fonseka speaks whom we saw during
the war against terrorists.
Now he makes various damaging statements with the intention of
destabilizing the Government and realising his goal of grabbing power.
Even today the pro-LTTE Tamil diaspora operates in several countries
and still they try their level best to re-commence their terrorist
activities. Therefore the military camps in the North should not be
removed at this juncture. During the time of war against the terrorists,
Fonseka was identified as a war hero. After he entered into politics, he
has become a traitor who has betrayed his country.
Child Development and Women’s Affairs Minister Tissa Karalliyadde
presence of Army camps in the Northern Province immensely helps maintain
law and order.
The heritage, culture and the society in Northern and Eastern
Provinces were totally destroyed by LTTE terrorists. They killed
innocent people including priests and children. The agents of the LTTE
terrorists had not given up their Eelam dream and now they are
attempting to raise their ugly head in Europe.
As one who visits the North very often, I know very well that our
soldiers are behind the vast development drive in the North. It is they
who laboured to restore the infrastructure in the North. Tamil
politicians are worried about the cordial relations between the Tamil
people and the soldiers.
That is why they spread various rumours and baseless stories and
trying to prevail upon the government to have the camps closed in the
provinces, The Army camps cannot be removed as extremists have called
for support to the LTTE cause, he said.
Director General of the Media Centre for National Security, Lakshman

We have to ask the question what is the objective of making such
Are they intended to provide sustenance to terrorist elements or
appease pro-LTTE Diaspora’s whims and fancies. These actions only
threaten the national security of Sri Lanka and invite biased sections
of the international community to take action against Sri Lanka under
the guise of human rights protection. We have to be alert and mindful of
these under currents.
Even the Indian Opposition Leader Sushma Swaraj who visited
thecountry recently praised the government for the post
conflictdevelopment and the resettlement that has been completed so far.
In this backdrop, why some others could not comprehend the obvious
positive changes that had taken place on the ground, is a matter to be
investigated. Their intentions are not in the best interest of the
country. That much is pretty obvious.
Construction and Engineering Services Minister Wimal Weerawansa
Fonseka should not make treacherous statements to cater to the interests
of the imperialistic forces which attempt to hatch various conspiracies
against Sri Lanka.
Fonseka has told several local and international websites that the
Government should allow to conduct an international investigation on the
alleged war crimes charges. Fonseka in an interview with a Tamil
newspaper had also stressed the importance of withdrawing military camps
from the Northern province.
As we all are well aware, these international conspirators level
alleged war crime charges based on the last few days of the humanitarian
operation. We have to realise why Sarath Fonseka says with confidence
that he is ready to appear before any international war tribunal. He was
in China when the war had reached to its last few days. Therefore
Fonseka will appear before any international war tribunal and say he was
out of the country during those last few days of the war so that he
can’t take any responsibility regarding what happened during those few
days of the humanitarian operation. So he will be released from all
those charges as he was out of the country. But the President as the
Commander in Chief, Defence Secretary and other top military brass may
have to appear before a war tribunal, he said.
Minister Weerawansa queried once he is released, why Fonseka says
that the Government should allow an international investigation on
alleged war crime charges and withdraw the military camps in the North.
Who has given this contract to him? I don’t think any military chief
will make this kind of damaging statement against his motherland because
all this would go to the international community as the comments made by
a former Army Commander of Sri Lanka.
Actually we are honestly happy about the special Presidential pardon
given to Sarath Fonseka. We have only political disputes with him and we
don’t have hatred with him. We respect the democratic right Fonseka has
to express his views. But we request him not extend any support even
from a word to the conspiracies hatched to bring our war heroes before
the international war tribunal.
Production Promotion Minister Lakshman Seneviratna

The presence of Army camps and soldiers wherever in the country is
solely a matter for the government elected by the people and not for
Do they want us to remove the Alimankada or Palali Army camps which
were there for so many years. Who is going to maintain law and order in
the Northern peninsula where LTTE destroyed the whole fabric of
development, heritage and culture during three decade long period?
The LTTE Diaspora is active in Europe and USA to bring back the LTTE
to the scene. Even now they are masterminding murders, kidnaps and
various other criminal activities in the Northern province.
The duty of the people’s government is to safeguard the sovereignty
and ensure economic development of the country, he said.
UNP MP Palitha Range Bandara
is for the government alone to decide whether the Army camps should be
continued or removed.
The improvement of the quality of life those in Northern and Eastern
Provinces is in the hands of the government. The government should not
allow outsiders poke their fingers into our internal issues, he said.
If the Army camps and the soldiers became a source of annoyance, it
is for the people to bring it to the attention of the authorities and
the civil organizations. The government should take suitable action
against all wrongdoers immediately, he said.
JHU Dy Secretary, Western Provincial Council Minister, Udaya
Army camps in the Northern Province is a matter of national security and
not a political issue.
Although the LTTE was defeated, they are still quite active in
Europe, USA and Tamil Nadu which is 37 km away from Sri Lanka.Having its
miliary camps in Falkland and Georgia, the UK is insisting that we
remove the military camps from the Northern Province.
The people who want us to remove the camps are supporters of the
LTTE’s ‘Tamil Eelam’ concept, Gammanpial said.
Military Spokesman Brigadier Ruwan Wanigasuriya
military camps have been established in the North and East by the
Government in locations which are important for national security. The
Sri Lanka Army, Navy or the Air Force deploy camps in accordance with
national security and the Northern and Eastern provinces are also a part
of Sri Lanka like Western, Southern , Central, Sabaragamuwa, Uva, North
Central, and North Western provinces.
Brigadier Wanigasuriya said the contingent of troops in the North and
East had been gradually reduced and redeployed in other provinces with
the objective of safeguarding our national interests.
“Those who are criticising the military presence in the Northern and
Eastern provinces seem to be not aware that Security Forces also have
camps in other parts of the country and they have shifted many of their
camps from the Northern and Eastern provinces and established them in
other parts of the country”, he added. “Those critics should be aware
that Sri Lanka Army except for the operational deployment in UN Peace
Keeping mission should deploy its troops within territories of Sri Lanka
but not in other countries.
People should not be intimidated or threatened by the presence of the
military as they are deployed in terms of national security of the
country”, he added.“The Sri Lankan Armed Forces deployment is well
within accepted international norms,” Brigadier Wanigasuriya said. |