Inculcating values among citizens in nation building
by Nagalingam Kumarakuruparan
Life flowers best in situations where collaboration and partnership
with others is the norm, and where there is mutual trust and
This is true when you are engaged with people in the pursuit of
changing environments and values. The open way of functioning ensures
that each individual is valued for what he can contribute to society.
Every choice we make has consequences. A holistic way to approach
choices and consequences is to examine our personal value system.
There was once a mountaineering team that had prepared for three
years for a competitive climb. When they finally began, somewhere after
the second camp, they came across a seriously injured climber in need of
medical assistance.
Those were the days of no mobile phones. One of the members of the
team, obviously out of a strong value system, decided to drop out of the
climb and help to bring down the injured person.
No amount of pleading from his team convinced him to do otherwise. We
might one day be in the same situation.
“Do unto others what you would like them do to you”.
It is no surprise that this is termed the golden rule, because it is
an eternal value. So, you approach the person, respond to the need and
walk away.
There was congruence between your value system and the choice you
Making a good living, being peaceful, helpful, sharing are all
Out of these values we make choices and take action, but every choice
we make has a price in the case of the mountaineer, he paid the price of
not reaching the summit; he let go his glory to save a life.
Values determine our action preferences and priorities. The value
system should also stand the test of time.
Universal friendship; compassion; joy in others’ happiness and
consideration for others, are the four-fold;
Maitri, Karuna Mudita and Upeksha the Buddha often stressed these
values in his sermons, and all spiritual traditions are in conformity
with these.
Universal values are not the exclusive preserve of one community,
they are common to all.
We grow in the communities we are born into, inheriting many
preconceived ideas, beliefs and social systems.
Social identity
They give us a social identity and we become part of the living
communities. They are ways of finding fulfilment that go beyond and
purely personal. However, in communities, there are also barriers to
social interaction with others because of the walls of exclusion. The
sense of belonging that we feel in a community is sometimes the very
reason why we cannot interact with freedom in dealing with others
outside it.
This may be a reason for conflict. Peace is not absent of conflict.
It is the growth of the spirit within we should strive to build a world
of love. We should learn to overcome fear, hatred and discord that
create negative feelings and outcomes.
The country today needs a new set of precepts and direction; there is
an urgent need for re-examining our value system.
The country is fast losing the noble values that once guided us and
kept the people of this country at peace.
All of us, individually and collectively have been responsible in one
way or the other for the present state of affairs, and we have also the
responsibility to set it right.
The root cause of all our problems in our society is the erosion of
human values. Hence, the solution to the problem is in developing human
values, inculcating them. Especially among our children and youth.
The values when inculcated among them, transform them and make them
good citizens.
A transformed human being not only enjoys peace within, but also is a
beacon for the whole world to follow. He brings harmony into the whole
society by his living and guidance to others.
As members of one family, we need to overcome hostility together we
will find that in the end, it is the life force within us that overcomes
what destroys and divides.
If we plant just one seed of love and kindness everyday, at the end
of our lives we will have created a landscape of unspeakable beauty.