Antelope, first seen 20 years ago on brink of extinction
by Michael McCarthy
Vietnam's rare mammals may be sliding towards extinction, but
Britain's rarest butterfly is going from strength to strength, a series
of contrasting announcements makes clear today.
Fears are growing about the future of one of the world's most
mysterious animals, the saola, a cross between an ox and an antelope,
which was the first large mammal new to science in more than 50 years
when it was discovered in Vietnam in 1992. There is also concern about
three of the country's six species of gibbon, which are said to be
"perilously close to extinction".
On the other hand, a new reserve is being set up for the large blue,
the butterfly that went extinct in Britain in 1979, but which has been
reintroduced through painstaking conservation work and is now
flourishing at a handful of sites in southern England.
The contrasting East-West fortunes of these species say a lot about
the different pressures on wildlife in Asia and Europe.
Twenty years after its discovery, the saola remains elusive, with no
precise estimate of its population, and according to WWF (formerly the
World Wide Fund for Nature) there are fears that it could go the way of
the Vietnamese rhino - discovered in 1988 and hunted to extinction by
last year.
"While they inhabit a very restricted range, there is still no
reported sighting of a saola in the wild by a scientist, and the handful
of saola taken into captivity have not survived," said Nick Cox, of WWF.
"If things are good, there may be a couple of hundred saola out
there," said William Robichaud, co-ordinator of the saola working group
of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
"If things are bad, the number could now be down in the tens."
Although development is encroaching on the saola's forest habitat,
the greatest threat to the animal comes from illegal hunting. Saola are
caught in wire snares set by hunters to catch other animals, such as
sambar deer, muntjacs and civets, which are largely destined for the
lucrative wildlife trade, driven by traditional medicine demand in China
and restaurant and food markets in Vietnam and Laos.
The first comprehensive study of gibbons in Vietnam in more than a
decade has found that three of the six species (the eastern and western
black gibbons and the northern white-cheeked gibbon) are close to
extinction, and the remaining three have suffered massive reductions.
The report, co-authored by Britain's Fauna and Flora International
and Conservation International in the US, details the decline that
Vietnam's gibbon species have suffered over the past 10 years.
Protected areas
They have disappeared from much of their historical range in the
country, and the remaining viable are restricted to protected areas,
most of which lack the standard of protection needed to ensure their
On the other hand, Britain's once extinct but now reintroduced large
blue butterfly is faring so well that the Butterfly Conservation charity
has acquired a new reserve to house it.
It is at Rough Bank, overlooking the Slad Valley in the Cotswolds.
Already home to four species of blue butterflies, the Rough Bank
reserve is likely to become a key site for the largest one as it expands
into the Cotswolds from its re-introduction base in Somerset's Polden
- The Independent |