Organisations practising energy efficient measures - Survey
Sri Lankan businesses are leading the way in transforming the
country's economy with sustainable, low carbon workplaces that provide
decent work for employees, revealed a survey on green jobs by the
Employers’ Federation of Ceylon (EFC).
The Employers’Federation of Ceylon in collaboration with the
International Labour Organisation conducted a green jobs survey of 50
business entities in the country. The aim of the survey is to find out
not only which organisations are implementing green initiatives but also
to evaluate how green are their actions are .
The survey revealed that over 95 percent of the organisations engaged
in green sustainable initiatives in diverse forms and over 90 percent
adopted decent work practises for employees.
It was revealed that most organisations were focused on practicing
energy efficient measures which have direct benefits in reducing the
cost of energy.
Hydro power generation was dominated by the agriculture sector where
10 out of 13 companies were generating hydro power. The geo-climatic
area of tea plantations is conducive to harness hydro power energy.
Many business establishments were switching on to bio-mass from
fossil fuels as an energy efficient means but still painstaking efforts
are needed to convince organisations to shift to bio-mass operated
systems for steam and electricity requirements.
The use of solar energy to heat water from solar panels is on the
rise as many have understood the need to reduce the use of fossil fuel.
The use of solar energy in Sri Lanka is still in its an infancy stage as
production of solar energy is comparatively costly. Senior Lecturer
Environmental Engineering University of Moratuwa, Dr. Mahesh Jayaweera
said he hoped that people will embrace solar energy as a viable means of
saving energy. Only two organisations invested in production of energy
by the use of wind power, the survey revealed.
Energy audits is a novel concept which helps organisations to enhance
energy efficiency and reduce its carbon footprint. Housekeeping is a
vital low cost energy conservation means, the survey revealed.
Many apparel sector organisations have gone green by constructing
green factories. Green-building is the use of natural resources more
efficiently to increase energy efficiency, safety and durability.
“More awareness programs are needed to enhance knowledge on green
building and reduce dependence on foreign expertise”, Dr. Jayaweera
said.Cross ventilation is vital for indoor climate control. Maintaining
proper temperature and humidity levels in a building requires proper
insulation, ventilation and exposure. Many organisations have commenced
harnessing rain water for back office needs to conserve natural
resources. Group transportation is practiced by many institutions to
promote clean transportation.
All organisations practiced waste water treatment, the survey
revealed. Solid waste management was transferred to municipal
authorities who dispose it in an irresponsible manner. Solid waste
management should be done within the premises to manufacture
compost.Decent work policies and porcedures were implemented by many
organisations but policies for the disabled were lacking. Maintainance
of EPF and ETF were implemented well in organisations. Over 95 percent
of the businesses had long-term benefits for employees. Many
organisations had promotion schemes but less pension schemes.
Most institutions had obtained the ISO 9001 certification but certain
ISO standards were not taken seriously.