Hyundai Glovis to call at MRMR Port
The pioneering call of Hyundai Glovis's vehicle carrier at the Magam
Ruhunupura Mahinda Rajapaksa (MRMR) port in Hambantota will kick-start
the operational capabilities of this yet untested port and dispel any
myths that it is not a viable port for commercial vessels. The MRMR port
is to be one of the leading hub ports in the region, which is becoming a
reality with the interest and potential shown by various principals.
The vessel “Asian Sun”
of Hyundai Glovis |
Hyundai Glovis Co. Ltd., the car carrier represented in Sri Lanka by
Aitken Spence Shipping Ltd., a subsidiary of Aitken Spence PLC, was the
first shipping line to explore the viability of transshipping
automobiles via (MRMR) Port. The vessel 'Asian Sun' of Hyundai Glovis
arrived at the MRMR Port, Hambantota on Wednesday to discharge
approximately 1,000 units of Hyundai automobiles.
The management of Aitken Spence Shipping convinced their principal
Ms. Hyundai Glovis to use the MRMR port as their transshipment hub, due
to its many attributes such as location, deep draft and large yard
capable of storing over 10,000 vehicles.
Hyundai Glovis's initial plan is for their vessel to discharge 1,000
Hyundai vehicles, manufactured at the Hyundai Motors Chennai plant, via
the port of Hambantota en route to Europe and Africa and several other
The vehicles will be stored at the port's vehicle yard until the next
Hyundai Glovis's car carrier, 'Asian Legend' arrives at the Port on June
17 to load these transshipment units.
The volume of Hyundai transshipment vehicles is expected to grow
substantially with three to four vehicle carriers expected to call each
month. Hyundai Glovis is one of the world's leading vehicle carriers
having a fleet of 30 PCTC vessels serving destinations in North and
South America, Europe, Asia, Oceania and Africa.
They also offer logistics services and conduct one of the largest
vehicle auctions in Korea.