What if the Earth stopped turning?
"One breath, one hope, one shooting star, and then another. One
thought, one voice, one dream comes true, and then another. One
kindness, one touch, one step in peace, and then another. One choice,
one change, one spirit soars, and then another. One pond, one stone, one
ripple forms, and then another.
One at a time, one finds their way, and then another".
- Rose Fuller 2002
Most of us, lead our lives in a spin. No, I do not say this because
we all are spinning, all the time, at a reckless speed, along with the
rotation of the earth. That is inevitable, though we take it for granted
or are not alive to it.
The spin - the reeling and the revolving; the turning and the
twisting; the wheeling and the whirling - that I refer to is the outcome
of our lifestyle, the justifiably embarrassing sense of our own
individuality, and the way we project it.
The fact is that most people lead a conscious life, a deliberate
pretense; and, though possessing knowledge in common of this falsehood,
this deceit, this deception, we continues to do so. It is as true as the
spin of the earth.
A spin, apart from its other meanings, is a natural fear reaction to
an event that we seek to avoid, or wished it did not take place, or want
to cover up. We experience it as internal chaos of some degree.
It often feels like life is whirling around you, out of control. The
result is that, when relating it, we tell a yarn or infuse additional
irrelevant details to narrate the story - we spin a yarn. Events are
individual occurrences; but lifestyle is when, reactions, behaviors,
thoughts, and feelings etc. have become consistent habits. Hence,
spinning becomes second nature, a practice, when the state of mind,
body, and spirit of a person is fragile, stressed, overwhelmed, and
depleted of strength and resilience.
However, when one person's spin evolves into an extreme spin, like a
vortex, it will also capture others who are in close proximity. A vortex
is driven by, toxic fear, powerlessness, and self-doubt. Once captured,
it is difficult to escape.
The world we live in is one of supermarkets, fast foods, rap music,
instant friendships, and non-stop political blathering.
On many levels, it is a cold, ugly, and soulless place with dead
people stumbling around parroting moronic clichés that they are
conditioned and accustomed to not question.
However, in spite of this hurly-burly situation, we find that it is
possible for the world to keep spinning, moving, and is a wonderful
place to live in.
This is because it is still possessed of, smart and creative people,
caring and loving persons, who know something about exquisite beauty,
understand how to appreciate this wondrous world, and are kind enough to
share it with those of us longing for a break from the usual commercial
sewage that predominates: everything from food to interpretation of
Earth's spin controls our lives. As the planet dances around the sun,
we sleep and wake by its daily pirouette. The rotisserie-style heating
keeps Earth warm and sunny all the way around, and Earth's rotation
drives the geomagnetic field, weather patterns, and the circulation of
the oceans, all of which influence our life and lifestyle. Bearing all
that in mind, one wonders: what if the world stopped turning, or for
that matter, spinning? Not being an expert on these matters, I quote:
"It would be a total mess," said Louis Bloomfield, a physicist at the
University of Virginia. "Most humans would drown, suffocate, roast, or
freeze to death. But, it is not all bad news: A select few of us, who
live in one of four well-situated spots on the planet, would survive -
and probably rapidly evolve in response to our dramatically altered
environment. Amazingly, Earth would literally change shape if it ceased
to spin.
Earth's rotation makes its midsection bulge; it is 26 miles farther
around at the equator than it is from pole to pole. If the spinning
stopped, that solid-Earth bulge would not immediately relax, but the
bulge of the oceans, which are much more fluid, would. The oceans would
shift from the equator toward the poles, leaving Earth's surface bone
dry near the equator and swamped in miles of water at the poles".
The atmosphere would shift in a similar fashion, he said, becoming
thicker at the poles and thinner at the equator. Only Earthlings living
at a sweet spot around the mid-latitudes would experience the right
atmospheric pressure to survive the transition. Constant sunshine would
strike over whichever half of Earth ended up locked toward the sun. That
side would be blisteringly hot; the vegetation would die off and the
land would dry out and crack.
The opposite hemisphere would become permanent icy darkness, and the
land would resemble frozen tundra. "Humans would have to move to the
transition area," said Rhett Allain, a physicist at the University of
Southeastern Louisiana. "We would be confined to a thin band of Earth
along the hot-cold border, where the sun would always appear just above
or just below the horizon.
Here, the temperature would be moderate, but the ways in which
weather and climate patterns on a non-spinning Earth would change are
too unpredictable for the scientists to describe the scenery more fully.
At any rate, land on the hot-cold border should be habitable enough for
humans to make a go of it. "If you're on the sunny side but where the
sun appears very near the horizon, you'll be able to grow crops, but
you're not going to get quite as extreme solar heating there," Allain
said. People could crossover to the barely dark side at night. "It would
be warm enough there because there would still be some sunlight, because
the atmosphere diffuses the sunlight - just like it's not pitch-black at
Of course, humans could not live along the entire hot-cold border,
but only in the stretches that contain an atmosphere that is suitable
for breathing.
"There are going to be four patches that have a decent mixture of the
right atmospheric pressure and the right temperature: two in the
Northern Hemisphere and two in the Southern Hemisphere," Bloomfield
said. The four surviving tribes of human beings would be, permanently
separated by the harsh conditions that stand between them. That and
environmental differences between the patches would drive the evolution
of four distinct humanoid species. They would all need to be hardier and
thicker-skinned than the present human race, in order to deal with the
greater influx of cosmic radiation they would experience in the absence
of a geomagnetic field. This however, having to be thick-skinned, will
not be a problem for most Sri Lankans since many are thick-skinned even
now, having been conditioned by listening, to our politicians.
Hence, the good news is that we Sri Lankans are, as it is, evolved
and ready for any such eventuality, and care nought whether the world
continues to spin or not; but shall carry on merrily with creating our
own spin on most matters. Thick skin has its virtues.
Now, here is some bad news: Earth, in fact, is heading for an
eventual rotational standstill. The heave-ho of the land and ocean tides
that result from the spinning take a toll on the planet, and the energy
driving all that sloshing back and forth gradually winds us down.
The moon ran out of spinning steam, and it became "tidally locked" to
Earth. Now, the same side of the moon always faces our way. Give it a
few eons, and the same thing will happen to Earth; first we'll become
tidally locked to the moon, then a few billion years after that we will
lock up to the sun. That is, it would happen, if the sun were not
destined to die in a massive explosion first, blowing the solar system,
and its future plans, to smithereens.
See you this day next week. Until then, keep thinking; keep laughing.
Life is mostly about these two activities.
For views, reviews, encomiums, and brickbats:
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