Hindi versus Urdu
In this concluding column on Hindi literary culture, I examine,
briefly, how Hindi emerged as a major Indian language and the failed
initiative to invent Hindustani, idealistic language made out of
comingling of Hindi and Urdu, which had never seen the light of the day.
I concluded the previous column by pointing out the pivotal role that
Nagari Pracarini Sabha (Society for the propagation of Nagari). The
society besides commencing its own research journal, the Nagari
Pracarini Patrika, in 1896, it launched a literary journal in Allahabad,
Sarasvati under the editorship of Mahavir Prasad Dvivedi (1903-1920). A
significant contribution of the literary journal was to fix the norms of
new Khari Boli Hindi and give Hindi wide acceptance and respectability,
particularly, as a medium of poetry.
Hindi Sahitya Sammelan
Harish Trivedi in a paper entitled ‘Progress of Hindi’ observes, “The
Sabha also conducted systematic research for rare Hindi books and
manuscripts, contributing substantially through the publication of its
triennial Search Reports to the corpus of Hindi literature; in addition
it undertook to publish authoritative editions of canonical as well as
popular Hindi texts. In 1910, it organised the first Hindi Sahitya
Sammelan (Hindi literary conference), which then became an autonomous
permanent institution under the name with its office in Allahabad and
organised annual conferences at different venues over the country.”
One of the important developments spearheaded by Sahitya Sammelan was
the establishment of a vital nexus between Hindi and the nationalist
movement which subsequently elevated Hindi to its present status as a
major Indian national language. Trivedi states, “Among its members were
eminent political leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi, Madan Mohan Malaviya,
Rajendra Prasad, Jawaharlal Nehru, Purushottam Das Tandon, Narendra Dev,
Sampurnannd, and Govind Das, nearly all of whom served as presidents of
the Indian National Congress, and many of whom went on to become
ministers or members of parliament in Independent India. ”
The publication of the Hindi dictionary in 1929 by the Sabha was a
significant step which helped further consolidate the position of Hindi
among Indian languages. Hindi Sabdasagar (Ocean of Hindi words), the
Hindi dictionary published by the Sabha still unsurpassed in its size
and authority. Trivedi observes that the preface to the dictionary by
Ramacandra Sukla was so comprehensive and authoritative that in fact, it
remains ‘the foundational and largely definitive history of Hindi
The Sabha’s publication entitled Hindi Sahitya Ka Brhat Itihasa
(Comprehensive History of Hindi literature) published in 1959 in six
volumes, substantially contributed to the contemporary corpus of
knowledge of Hindi language and literature.
Nagari script won the battle over Persian script on April 18, 1900
when the then colonial administration passed an order authorising the
use of Nagari, alongside the Persian script, at the lower level of the
legal and civil administration. The immediate outcome of the move was
the establishment of Urdu Defence Association. Although the Urdu Defence
Association was moribound, its successor Anjuman Taraqqi-e-Urdu (Society
for the Progress of Urdu) launched an aggressive campaign to promote
Urdu in diverse parts of India. One of the most important political
developments with far reaching consequences was also resulted in the
linguistic division spearheaded by the two campaigns to promote Hindi
and Urdu.
“Indeed, just as Hindi aligned itself with Congress nationalism, the
Ajuman went on to champion the ‘two-nation’ politics of separatism,
which claimed Urdu as the national language of the projected state of
Pakistan and as one of the main agents in the creation of Pakistan.”
Urdu and Hindi
The relationship between Urdu and Hindi is close but highly
contested. The relationship has been described in terms of human
kinship. Trivedi observes, “No two languages in India (and perhaps few
elsewhere) have had such a close and yet contestatory relationship as
Hindi and Urdu, a relationship that has been described variously, in
human kinship terms, as between mother and daughter, between two sons
(though not quite twins, for one language or the other has always
claimed to be the older), and between mutually jealous co-wives or
concubines. Their complex, intertwined, and yet sorely vexed history
raises a whole range of major questions that have proved historically to
be of vital consequence to the Indian nation. ”
It is pertinent at this juncture to look at, briefly, the salient
similarities and dissimilarities between Urdu and Hindi. According to
Trivedi one major proposition to strike a similarity between two
languages is whether Hindi and Urdu are the same language although they
have always been written in different scripts. Another is whether there
are any historical grounds for considering either Hindi or Urdu as the
sources from which the other originated and whether the two languages
were ever the same language in the past. There are equally contested
propositions for the division of two languages such as did the British
rulers of India at any stage play a part in either bringing together or
separating Hindi and Urdu, and if so, to what purpose and effect.
An important phase in the evolution of Hindi is the failed attempt to
invent Hindustani, a language that attempted not only to intertwine
Hindi and Urdu but also to co-mingle. Strangely the ground for such an
invention was not on linguistic, literary or cultural but in accordance
with nationalist political agenda and ‘on the meagre basis of a common
bazar vocabulary of probably not more than five hundred words.’ Trivedi
states that the defining moment for the campaign for Hindustani came ‘at
9.a.m. on April 24, 1936, when at the first and last convention of the
well-meaning new organisations Bharatiya Sahitya Parisad (Indian
literary council) at Nagpur-attended by many of the important national
leaders as well as Hindi and Urdu writers, including Premchand-Gandhi. ’
Gandhi’s one remark made at the historical meeting virtually caused the
rift between Hindi and Urdu.
Trivedi captures the widespread political implications of the rift as
“Nehru’s ‘Hamlet like’ procrastination in implementing the decision of
the government to continue with English as the additional official
language indefinitely , beyond the designated fifteen-year period
(1950-1965), have effectively dispelled all the apprehensions of Hindi
They have also perhaps saved India from the fate, suffered by
Pakistan, of further fragmentation when the attempt was made to impose
Urdu on Bengali-speaking East Pakistan, which then broke away to become
Bangladesh; or that suffered by Sri Lanka, where the introduction of a
Sinhala-only language policy has centrally contributed to the rise of
secessionist Tamil dissidence. Indian remains a nation effectively
without a national language, but at least-and perhaps precisely for that
reason-it remains a nation. ”