The heartbeat of a princess
Reviewed by Romesh de S. Wijeratne
Literary judgement often rests on antithesis which makes us
understand how a mind is directed towards one's writing. The irrefutable
evidence of her mentality winds its way in the most impetuous flights of
visions, illuminating the diction that occurs from a distance.
Lyrical loftiness and poignant melancholy permeates her lines. She is
lost amidst the powerful livery of emotion but steadies herself on and
off. Her writing can be read with calm pleasure for ingenuity.
Then, is this then bubbly girl I knew decades ago who would clutch on
to her books, bypass me and the rest with a gentle smile but never spoke
or even looked in my direction. Since then the excellence and dignity
she has acquired whose hearts she has touched without knowing, glows
with essential quality.
She is Gwen heart.
Elanor Roosevelt once said; ‘The future belongs to those who believe
in the beauty of their dreams'.
She may have had stunning dreamers such as Gwen heart in her mind in
the new millennium; and how true: A mind bender, a dream motivator, this
talented writer bears her heart out in From a Distance. A unique book
full of stanzas running through poems, prose, sonnets and snippets. She
takes us all on a summer journey.
Most of all, I like her cheek. I like the audacity with which she
takes on the English language when she confesses to a collegue (page
96)'We do not have to be pressurised by the norms of the English
language. There have to be breathing space between lines, the freedom to
write with no restrictions. Someone must be bold enough to set the
precedence. Let me be that one.’
Not so fast, Princess. Perhaps in the next century or two. Locked
between sparsely worded Prologue and an Epilogue (here again she sets
the pattern. May be the first writer to come off with such a short
Prologue followed by an equally reduced Epilogue) is the explosive mind
of a poet whose passion and fire though contained, reels over words of
anguish and the urgency to unburden herself of her dilemma.
These are instances that writers find crossing their paths and must
be taken in their strides. She has the strength and literary acumen to
overcome such challenges.
Spiritual love
From a Distance celebrates her spiritual love for God, man or vision?
She is stubborn, unyielding; she is crafty and lured the reader towards
its quest. The book is also about the heartbeats of a Princess who
possesses the reflective elements of dignity. From a Distance should
have been titled Heartbeat of a Princess because it is all about the
beats from within.
In his foreword, the distinguished Prof. Ashley Halpe introduces it
as a book having a legend-like end.
Heartbeat of a Princess is dreamy and youthful; a medley of
adolescent imagination so typical of the writer's mind that the young go
through during their growing up time. However, she wails that turn
melancholy in readers’ minds and holds back her exuberance. Instead of
dazzling them, Herat drags them through the complexity of her lines.
‘But not so my little one;
Amidst the purring, stirring buds’
The, suddenly she turns around with fury, reproaching someone she knows
I am sorry;
‘How vainly men think of their ego
whose short and narrow pride abide.
To sing their eloquence in triumph
And wallow in mockery'.
She also displays a sense of humour and with in ME OR I? which is
sort of autobiographical.
The preceding introductory synopses by RSK (R.S. Karunaratne)
wondrously enhance the writing matter and help readers grab the meaning
with immediate effect.
The sonnets are brilliant, mature, commanding and near - Shakespeare
but Herat has failed to rise to the principles of From a Distant. She is
vague about the character that rises from this long poem of forty-five
Herat struggles for a person who has a free flow of words and is not
herself but quickly turns around to amend with a touch of lyricism in
every page. Being a Buddhist I do not know how to put it across her
faith. It is obvious she is inspired by God of whom she celebrates.
Thereby, and appropriately dedicates this fine study to an eminent
- Bishop.