Bradby Guns 'n Roses from 50 years ago
RUGBY: The way Royal's Captain Lakshman Kaluaaratchi led his team
into Longden Place in 1962 wearing their Gold and Blue striped jerseys
with the crowd exploding in cheers, it had all the signs of a Battle
Royale. With a purposeful John Wayne cowboy gait and his hand ready for
the draw, 'Gunman Kalu', as he is affectionately called, was ready for
the rugby shoot out.
The Royalists had been warned by coach Mahes Rodrigo that when the
Trinitians run into the field in their stunning Red, Yellow and Blue
jerseys it will be so psychologically striking that opposing teams are
already 5 points down! And Mahes would add: 'You are the best, the game
is in your hands and give it all you can.'
Never mind the Jersey, we shall do it was Kalu's retort.
And that retort came in classic style. Royal had a really mobile pack
and off a ruck there was a quick heel by Manik Jayakumar, 25 yards right
of the posts in Trinity territory. Kalu slings a solid pass to fly-half
Angus Cronin who collects on the dash, gains yardage in split seconds
before the Trinity defence could get organized. Angus is just about to
pass to center Ana Wimaladharma, when Ana in a refreshing breath of
selflessness shouts 'Gap, Gap, ...Go, Go, you bugger, Go!'. And Angus
slices through to score a match winning try. Ana, with his heritage of
watch making precision, could have easily taken the pass and scored, but
then the spirit of Royal rugby was such that the team's interests
overrode individual opportunism.
That star Royal team comprised: Majid Cader, Manik Jayakumar, Lucky
Dissanayake, Rex Perera, S.T. Arulpragasam, Lakshman Hettiaaratchi,
Michael Rosemale-Cocq, Keith Paul, U.L. Kaluaaratchi, Angus Cronin, Ana
Wimaldharma, NK Fernando, SK Sabaratnam, N de Run and HA Karunasekera.
Percy Perera refereed.
The Royal team had most of the season enjoyed the reputation of being
unbeaten although they had a surprise when the St. Joseph's held them to
a draw.
Then there was Zahira, led by M.H.M Fasy, to contend with. The
Zahirians had earned the sobriquet of 'Zuicide Squad' for their ability
to give more than a good fight. The Zahirians lived up to that
reputation when 'Tanker' Ibrahim Hamid, off a short tap from 25 yards
out, crashed through the Royal defence to score and clinch a hard fought
victory in a bruising match. Trinity too suffered defeat at the hands of
Zahira when ex Trinitian M. Haris playing for Zahira scored the winning
try. Thereafter, the outcome of the Bradby encounters in 1962 was wide
Upsets not unusual
Bradby encounters cannot be taken for granted. Each encounter is
played on its own merits. Upsets are not unusual as a mystique surrounds
the contest for the Shield.
And true to form, the return game at Bogambara 50 years ago had all
the characteristics of that very mystique as Referee Miles Christofelsz
blew the whistle for kick off. Whether it was the blinding impact of the
Trinity Jersey at play or other factors is debatable.
But Noel Brohier's Trinity team, coached by the charming gentleman
Percy Madugalle who would not hurt a fly but would ironically advocate
hard and neat tackling, and sweeping open play, was all revved up to
avenge the defeat they suffered in the 1st Leg.
There was a plan of action to wrest the initiative from the very
first whistle.
For how else can one explain that there were two quick tries scored
in the first few minutes of the game. It was simply stunning! One
recalls the try by E. T. Abeywardene in the 4th minute by the corner
flag off a deep kick into Royal territory by Asoka Kehelpannala where ET
collected the ball and stretched full length to touch down. And then in
the 15th minute the trade-marked "Sahayam Special" magic where in
quicksilver fashion he tricked his way through the Royal defence
following a well placed pass by his reliable co-conspirator scrum half
M.T.M. Zaruk.
The dash and dazzle displayed by Mohan Sahayam and his signature '
Specials' prompted admirer Olive Goonethileke, wife of Harry
Goonethileke, and mother of Malin and Sriyani, to throw in a bunch of
red roses from the family to register her delight. She then popped a
valium to cool her nerves!
Trinity revival
The Trinity revival was undoubtedly engineered by skipper Noel
Brohier one of the finest forwards in schools at that time, renowned for
having the guts of a burglar and the skill of a diamond cutter. He went
on to play for Sri Lanka.
At lemons, with 9 points up (following a penalty converted by
Kehelpannala) and a lead that would give them the shield, the Trinitians
were brimming with confidence. The Kandy crowd was bursting at the seams
of the cordon on the touch lines. And your columnist along with his
Prefects was trying hard to hold them back, when one spectator looked at
my skinny, non muscular frame and remarked 'Izay, get some Horlicks!'.
As Vitti the ground boy wheeled in lemons, the irrepressible Trinity
Full Back Asoka Kehelpannala in loquacious vernacular says aloud to
Vitti, " Isay Vitti, Principalta Kiyanda Lion Lasthi karanda
kiyala"--meaning: 'Vitti, tell the Principal to prepare for the award on
my Lion! .
The Lion is the Trinity insignia for Rugby excellence. As Vitti
returns to the touch line he conveys this dutifully to coach Percy
Madugalle who passes the presumptuous message from Kehel to Principal
Cedric Oorloff and they break out into laughter!
The second half was a really engaging fight back by Royal where play
remained most of the time in the Trinity half.
The match which was marred by injury had such casualties as HA
Karunasekera and Sabaratnam with his shoulder more out than in. One
memorable incident was when Trinity flanker Chulika de Silva got knocked
out from a hard tackle.
He was virtually concussed and referee Miles Christofelz was about to
rule that he is not fit to play. In those days substitutions were not
allowed. The Royal captain walks up to Chulika in gunman style and says
'get up Chukka, you can play you bugger!' And Chulika rises to the
gentlemanly call by the opposing captain.
Trinity upset win
Royal came very close to scoring in that half and all they needed was
a goal but unfortunately over-enthusiasm got the better of the Royal
players as they fumbled their chances.
That Trinity registered this upset win is a tribute to the team that
comprised H.J. Fernando, Ronnie Munaweera, George Carson, Noel Brohier,
Shelly Carroll, E.T Abeywardene, Nicko de Silva, Chulika de Silva,
M.T.M. Zaruk, Mohan Sahayam, Ananda Piyasena, Lucky Karunathilleke, N.T
Madugalle, Rodney Geddes and Asoka Kehelpannala.
When the Bradby Shield was presented to Noel Brohier, it was the
Royal captain, who was first to down his armory and hug Brohier in a
gesture of warm congratulations!
Such was the sprit in which the game was played where Guns and Roses
paradoxically blended so well. A lesson for all times.
To contact Mohamed Muhsin: e mail : [email protected]