Fitch Rates Sampath Leasing's proposed Senior Debt at 'A(lka)'
Fitch Ratings Lanka has assigned Sampath Leasing and Factoring Ltd's
(SLFL) proposed senior unsecured redeemable debentures of up to Rs 500m
a 'A(lka)' National Long-Term rating.
The issue has been rated at the same level as SLFL's National
Long-Term rating of 'A(lka)' - which has a Positive Outlook, in line
with Fitch's criteria for rating senior unsecured debt of financial
The rating reflects the implied support assumed from SLFL's main
shareholder - Sampath Bank PLC (SB, 'AA-(lka)'/Positive, 100 percent
ownership), given the strategic and operational linkages between the two
The issue offers semi-annual, fixed-rate interest payments, which
help SLFL mitigate its interest rate risk and equal bullet principal
repayments in the third and fourth year. The issue proceeds will be
utilised to fund SLFL's lease and hire purchase portfolio.
At December 31, 2011, SLFL's asset base stood at Rs 4.1b, which
amounted to a 2 percent share of SB's group assets, while SLFL's share
of SB's group post-tax profits amounted to 5percent.