Despite severe dearth of Consultants:
Mullaitivu now has a full - fledged hospital
In January 12, 2009 soldiers of the 59 division
took full control of the Hospital, which was destroyed by the LTTE
who had taken away all valuable equipment before the army’s capture.
The LTTE had built a massive earth bund opposite the hospital and
they reached the site through Thanni-atu in Mulleyaveli.
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President’s visit to the Vatican, a great
Spiritually, a sanctifying experience
The Vatican pledged unconditional support to the
Government’s reconciliation process. President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s
visit to the Vatican and meeting the Holy Father, Benedict XVI was a
great success. The Vatican accorded a warm welcome to the President
and his delegation.
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Accountability only God knows
Accountability is to reach an authenticated
number of civilians dead and not act silly with fairy tales of a
zero civilian casualty number or become traumatized with horror
stories of over 40,000 civilian deaths. In war, civilian casualties
are inevitable but it is no war crime, unless civilians are
intentionally targeted and fire power utilised is beyond the limits
of proportionality.
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