Amaya Leisure records Rs 830m revenue
Amaya Leisure's acquisition by the Hayleys Group, a prominent
business conglomerate, in August 2011 is bound to enhance its standing
in the leisure industry.
The business prowess of Hayleys combined with the brand image that
Amaya has built over the years should stand it in good stead, driving it
forward to achieve its highest potential. We were able to make
significant gains in terms of revenue and operational profits in the
year under review due to our well planned strategic investments.
During the period under review a revenue of Rs. 830 million was
recorded compared to Rs. 667 million in the previous year.
However, the net profit of Rs. 312 million was below last year's Rs.
471 million as there was capital gain included in the latter arising
from disposal of Amaya Reef in Hikkaduwa. A dividend of Rs. 4 per share
has already been paid in February 2012, said its Chairman Mohan