Brandix factory in Bangladesh achieves eco- milestone
Fourteen months after it commenced commercial production, the Brandix
Group's maiden venture in Bangladesh has received an 'Eco Factory
Attribute' from Marks and Spencer (M&S), becoming the first apparel
factory in that country to achieve this honour.
Brandix Casualwear Bangladesh Ltd., which operates a five-acre,
350,000 garments a month capacity plant at the Comilla Industrial Zone,
scored 93 percent at the M&S Eco factory audit conducted recently.
M&S is supplied by about 50 factories in Bangladesh. To secure the
M&S honour, the factory reduced energy consumption by 27 percent and its
carbon footprint by an estimated 60 percent, achieved a 45 percent
saving in potable water, recycles or re-uses 95 percent of its solid
waste and complies with Global Sourcing Principles (GSP) ethical