Cats in different postures

Cats spend a good deal of their time grooming. They are one of the
cleanest animals around. They always follow the same procedure when
having a wash and brushing up. They begin with their paws; then comes
the head, followed by flanks, body and tail, last of all. When they wash
their body they make many interesting shapes.
Figure 1 shows you some interesting positions. Study carefully the
basic shape of their bodies when they are seated in different positions.
Observe their tails. They are sometimes short, but generally long and
covered with fur. Study their different profiles; seated, walking and
resting. Then draw them from life or copy from photographs.
Draw as much as you can and keep on practising until you become
perfect at it. Initially you may draw with a soft pencil HB2 or HB4. HB2
to start with fine lines and HB4 to do the shades. Most cats have white
whiskers and you can depict those with fine black lines. Many cats keep
their eyes closed as they spend three quarters of their lives asleep or
resting. This will always help artists to draw them comfortably.
Copy all the illustrations on Figure 1, first in pencil or pen and
then in ink. Notice the cat on top. I have used fine lines, dots and
dashes to give a natural effect on the texture of the body. Look again
and again and keep practising. |