The ancient and the modern – Teachers’ Day
Guru Pournima of ancient times and Teachers’ Day
of today):
In Hindu tradition, a perfect fully blossomed
lotus flower with its bud bowing low in obeisance before it is the
delicate picture that portrays Guru Pournima – a symbolic expression
by the artist who describes the Guru-sishya relationship.
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Richard Wright and the Third World
[Part 2]
In Richard Wright’s work pertaining to the
problems and experiences of the Third World, we find an interesting
interplay of attitudes and viewpoints. On the one hand, he was
deeply aware of the wounds that colonialism had inflicted, at times
permanently, on the psyches of the subjugated peoples, twisting
their lives in unhappy ways.
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Cultural scene
Revisiting Orientalism:
Lexicography and imagination
In this week’s column, we, briefly, examine how
lexicography and imagination was appropriated to further consolidate
Orientalism as a career. What Said describes as Orientalism is, in a
broader sense of the term, a school of thinking which has been
developed as a result of diverse encounters between the West and the
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