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Guide to Conrad's captivating novel
Joseph Conrad's Heart
of Darkness
(London, New York: Routledge, 2007)
Author: D.C.R.A. Goonetilleke
Joseph Conrad's novella, Heart of Darkness, has fascinated critics
and readers alike, engaging them in highly controversial debate as it
deals with fundamental issues of good and evil, civilisation, race, love
and heroism. The classic tale transcends the boundaries of time and
place and has inspired famous film and television adaptations
emphasising the cultural significance and continued relevance of the
The guide to Conrad's captivating novel offers: an accessible
introduction to the text and contexts of Heart of Darkness; a critical
history, surveying the many interpretations of the text from publication
to the present; a selection of new essays and reprinted critical essays
on Heart of Darkness, by Ian Watt, Linda Dryden, Ruth Nadelhaft, J.
Hillis Miller and Peter Brooks, providing a range of perspectives on the
novel and extending the coverage of key critical approaches identified
in the survey section; cross-references between sections of the guide,
to suggest links between texts, contexts and criticism; and suggestions
for further reading.
Part of the Routledge Guides to Literature series, the volume is
essential reading for all those beginning detailed study of Heart of
Darkness and seeking not only a guide to the novel, but a way through
the wealth of contextual and critical material that surrounds Conrad's
D.C.R.A. Goonetilleke is Emeritus Professor of English at the
University of Kelaniya. He is a well-established and recognised critic
of twentieth century and post-colonial literature and his books include
Developing Countries in British Fiction, Images of the Raj, Joseph
Conrad: Beyond Culture and Background and Salman Rushdie.

R.P. Wijesinghe's latest book entitled Devashapaya was launched at
Dayawansa Jayakody Bookshop, Colombo 10 recently. Devashapaya is the
authentic Sinhala translation of Homer's The Odyssey written in the 8th
century BC. Wijesinghe is the author of Peralikara Pasala, Helidarawwa,
Venus Saha Adonis, Nagarajge Lokaya, Daiva Mahimaya, Demur, Mole Gedara,
Gora, Casterbridge Nagaradhipathi, Upekshava, Weerabhoomi, Parithyagaya
and Sebala Katha Saha Senevi Pushkin.
Devashapaya is a Dayawansa Jayakody publication.
Mahayana Budu Dahama Keti Hedinveemak
H.M. Suraweera Bandara's Mahayana Budu Dahama is a short introduction
to Mahayana Buddhism.
It is a Sarasavi publication.
Pollebedda Vedi Janathava

Ananda Herath's latest book Pollebedda Vedi Janathava was launched
recently as a Sarasavi publication. It is the authentic Sinhala
translation of Russel Kuruppu's The Vedda People of Pollebedda - a
remnant aboriginal community in Sri Lanka.
Ananda Herat is the author of several other books such as Ugula,
Buddha Kaleena Bauddha Pevidi Diviya ha Vinaya, Lama Lapati Suvasetha,
Senpathi Olcott Saha Bauddha Punarudaya and Canadiyanu Deshapalana
Kavi Pokura

Kavi Pokura is a compilation of eight poems by Buddhadasa Galappatti
from 1971-2003. The poems are Dolos Mahe Pahana, Ketapath Pavura, Para
Vasa Etha, Rejinak Henduvaya, Dedenama Diyaniyo, Nishchalai Rathriya,
Thuruliya Akuru Viya and Davasa Hetai.
The cover is by Prem Dissanayake. Kavi Pokura is an author
publication distributed by Sarasavi Publishers, Nugegoda. |