Reviving Henry Jayasena's literary legacy
Reviewed by Daya Dissanayake
Lazarus has come forth. Vijita Fernando has revived Henry Jayasena.
As I held the English translation of Lazarus in my hand, I tried to
imagine how happy Henry Jayasena would have been, if he had been able to
hold this book, to leaf through it, with Manel beside him.
How wonderful it would have been if the translation had been
published during his lifetime. At least, he had the opportunity to read
a first draft of the manuscript. At his last book launch he wept,
commenting that it could be his last such event. It will never be the
last, as Lazarus was launched last week. He will be with us at many more
book launches, when his other books are reprinted, and are translated
into English. They are books which would always have a universal appeal.
Had the publisher not mentioned that it was a translation, the
readers familiar with Henry Jayasena's writings in English, such as
'Bala Gilano', and his column in the Daily News, could have easily been
fooled into believing this was Jayasena's own work. That is the skill of
the translator, who reigns as the doyen of English translations in Sri
I read the English version with the same interest and enthusiasm as I
had read the Sinhala novel, so many years ago. Vijita Fernando's work
also supports our conviction that her English translation brings out
faithfully, what Henry Jayasena has meant to convey.
Emotive force
It is confirmed by Henry Jayasena himself, as mentioned in the
preface by Dr. Lakshmi de Silva, another most respected translator, "He
was in absolute transports of delight because he felt the English
version had all the rapidity, the emotive force and the grounding of
maturity that gave its especial flavour to the bildungsroman of a strong
minded individual who undergoes the experience of growing to manhood in
Colonial Ceylon in the early 20th Century and witnesses the counter-play
of Buddhism as an expression of cultural identity against the aims of
the missionaries and the weight of British Imperialism."
About the original work by Jayasena, Dr. Lakshmi de Silva says it all
in one word, 'bildungsroman', a term used to describe Goethe's 'Wilhelm
Meister', and Dicken's 'Great Expectations.
Lazarus is probably the only Sinhala novel to have been written
around the tea plantations in Sri Lanka, and now the English version has
been made available for the readers not only in Sri Lanka but in England
too, for them to see our tea estates and their own country before and
during the World War I, through the eyes of a Sri Lankan.
It was a refreshing contrast to Ondaatji's 'Cats Table' to read the
description of an ocean voyage by a Lankan Buddhist, who could
contemplate the mighty ocean and eternity, thinking that "Sansara is
deeper than this mighty ocean; broader, infinite. How apt is the
Buddha's comparison of Sansara to the ocean? If one could truly grasp
even a tiny amount of his doctrine, no being will ever be alone in this
Cultural values
Lazarus in Sinhala reads like a Piyadasa Sirisena novel, but more
mature, more developed, written in smoother flow of our language one
hundred years after Sirisena. This novel too is in a way a reaction to
the works of literary compradors, who still go down on their knees to
colonial and post colonial western masters, to remind our readers of our
own cultural values. This is one more reason for the need of this
English translation.
That is why Lazarus says in the opening pages, "Now I am Rodrigo. Don
Lazarus Rodrigo. These are names easy on their tongues. All right.
If I say my name is Wijesiriwardena, can they even pronounce such a
pure Sinhala name?" Neither Henry Jayasena, nor the protagonist, tells
us why he was named Lazarus. "Couldn't that conceited man find a good
Sinhala name for me? Wijesiriwardena or Lazarus Palihakkara ... or
Lazarus Kulasekara?". Lazarus is only concerned about his father's
He had nothing against his first name Lazarus. Did Jayasena pick the
name Lazarus for the title from Lazarus of Bethany, from the Gospel of
St. John, or the poor man mentioned in St. Luke? Or was he a character
from Henry Jayasena's own past? He would not have used a title or as the
name of his protagonist such a name which is not very familiar to the
Sinhala reader, without a special reason. Lazarus is not an uncommon
name in the west.
There was coincidentally the Canadian playwright Henry Lazarus, and
also American poet Emma Lazarus, and German philosopher Moritz Lazarus.
But why this name was used, doest not hamper the reading or enjoying
Henry Jayasena's novel or its translation.
Lazarus was published by Henry Jayasena 13 years ago, in 1999. We saw
him first through his 'Janelaya', and then read him in 'Minisun Vu
Daruwo' in 1965. Very few among us know him well enough. For many, Henry
Jayasena means Sudu Seeya in the teledrama, or as Azdak in Hunu Wataya,
but he was also a great writer, who was not appreciated or who received
the recognition and respect due to him. He knew the mind of the child,
as we saw in 'Tawat Udasenak', of the young office workers of the early
sixties in Janelaya. He could go back to the beginning of the 20th
century in Lazarus. He also had the strength to face all obstacles and
to fight them, as he tells us in 'Bala Gilano'.
English translation
His son Sudaraka has taken the first step in reviving Henry Jayasena,
by coming out with the translation of Lazarus, and the collection of
songs for children 'Sudu Seeyage Kavi Sindu'. We look forward to seeing
all writings of Henry Jayasena in print, both in the original and in
English translation, because he belongs to all of us, even in the 21st
It is time to get to know Henry Jayasena, not just as a dramatist, an
actor and a writer and a poet, but more as a human being who loved and
understood his fellow men, their strengths and weaknesses. It is time
for us to re-read all his published works, his novels, biographical
sketches, his plays and the children's books.
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