Sri Lankan boat refugees move to Australia:
Economic concerns main reason - Counter-terrorism expert

Shanaka Jayasekara
Apart from crime stories, boat people, who risk their lives on a
deadly journey to Australia have 'decorated' the front pages of most of
the local newspapers as well as Australian newspapers. Australia, with a
steady influx of asylum-seekers, has become the most sought after
destination among Sri Lankans fleeing the country via Indonesia, which
is the transit hub. Sri Lankan men and women, despite surveillances by
the Sri Lanka Navy and being frequently arrested, leave the shores in
risky boat rides arranged by local human smugglers by paying with their
meagre savings.
In an interview with the Sunday Observer , Shanaka Jayasekara,
Lecturer, Centre for Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism
(PICT), Macquarie University of Australia said in the absence of LTTE
terrorists, who restricted the exodus of youth out of the Vanni as they
required human resources, now the Vanni people were risking their lives
to 'earn more dollars'.
He said the pro-LTTE lobby groups use the Sri Lankan asylum seeker
issue to discredit the Sri Lankan government. " They see the media value
in boatloads of Sri Lankans claiming political asylum overseas as an
opportunity to keep international attention on Sri Lanka. As every
boatload arrives, you will see Tamil activists defaming and discrediting
Sri Lanka in the media", Jayasekara said.
Following are excerpts of the interview:
Q: In your opinion why is there a continued exodus of refugees
leaving Sri Lanka. Is it because of persecution as claimed by these
refugees or is it for economic reasons?
A: Sri Lanka has one of the largest per capita expatriate
populations with over one million Sri Lankans employed in the Middle
East alone.
In addition, large numbers of Sri Lankans are working in countries
such as Italy and South Korea, the United States, Japan, Singapore,
Israel and the Maldives. There is an inherent tendency among Sri Lankans
to view foreign employment as short term response to their economic
predicament. Take the number of prospective applicants for Korean jobs
that flooded into Police Park grounds recently. Everyone wants to earn
dollars instead of toiling for Rupee earnings.
If you look at the Sri Lankans in Italy as a case in points, there is
a flood of Sinhalese from Negombo who have taken boats and other illegal
routes to reach Italy seeking economic opportunity. There is no
persecution of Sinhalese in Negombo they are attracted by the foreign
currency earnings in Italy. This is the same motivation that is driving
all the boat refugees to greener pastures irrespective of their
ethnicity, be they Tamil or Sinhalese.
Q: Therefore, in your view these allegations of persecution
are not the cause for refugees to leave Sri Lanka?
A: I think there need to be some logical basis for such
allegations. Recently the UNHCR reported that over 750 refugees had
voluntarily returned from Tamil Nadu in India after the end of the
conflict. If there is any persecution in Sri Lanka would these refugees
be returning to Sri Lanka under the UNHCR auspices. The other irrational
factor is that if there was persecution in Sri Lanka, would not
thousands be crossing over to India which is 22 km away, than taking a
boat to Australia which is over 5000km away. Why is there no exodus to
India if there was persecution in Sri Lanka. The reason is you can't
earn dollars in India, but you can in Australia.
Q: Are relatives promoting human smuggling activity?
A: Many Tamil families in Sri Lanka have relatives overseas.
This has created a kind of social disparity between siblings, cousins
and nephews. Some family members are earning dollars overseas, while
other family members left behind in Sri Lanka are earning Rupees.
When one cousin is earning dollars overseas there is a compulsion to
help the relatives in Sri Lanka. There are many arranged marriages in
which overseas Tamil grooms are matched with local brides as a gateway
to reach the West. Recently a Sunday newspaper in Sri Lanka offered to
list Tamil matrimonial advertisements on their English internet site
catering to the Tamil diaspora audience.
There are others that finance human smuggling activity to secure
passage by boat to a western country. The Tamil diaspora has established
themselves in host countries and now can provide support structures and
legal services for new arrivals.This is no different to the Negombo
Sinhalese taking boats and other routes to Italy. The initial migrants
to Italy now facilitate and provide support structures for friends and
relatives to come across.
Q: Has the circumstances changed after the end of the
A: During the reign of terror by the LTTE, most Tamil diaspora
families had to contribute or provide material support to the LTTE.
After its defeat these contributions have declined. They have more
disposable income to help their relatives in Sri Lanka. Most Tamil
families provide financial remittances through legal channels to support
relatives in Sri Lanka. Since the end of the conflicts foreign
remittances to bank branches in the Northern Province have increased
This is commendable and should be encouraged. However, the more
ambitious ones want to earn the dollars overseas, not merely receive
handouts from relatives. It is very much a social disparity issue at
family level. In the past, the LTTE also restricted the exodus of youth
out of the Vanni as the LTTE required human resources. There was no
opportunity to get on boats and flee from the shores of the Vanni and
escape the Sea Tigers. Today the situation is different, so people can
take a chance.
Q: Why are foreign governments slow to act on illegal
immigrants from Sri Lanka?
A: The July 1983 riots were a disgraceful event in Sri Lankan
history. Most of the first generation Tamil migrants to the West came in
the aftermath of the 1983 riots. At that time the argument of physical
violence against Tamils was acceptable.
In most countries Tamil migration is associated with the brutality of
July 1983. The transformed environment after three decades has not been
adequately highlighted. Therefore, when discussing Tamil asylum seekers
the reference point still remains July 1983 riots. The debate is
intentionally trapped in a single time frame. In addition the Tamil
diaspora has gained significant electoral influence in many host
countries. Therefore, policy making on Sri Lankan asylum seeker issues
is often conditioned and framed by the electoral fallout in
constituencies with concentration of Tamil voters. It not always about
the truth, its about managing the politics of the issue.
Q: Is the LTTE rump involved in human smuggling activity?
A: I would say that the pro-LTTE lobby groups use the Sri
Lankan asylum seeker issue to discredit the Sri Lankan Government. They
see the media value in boatloads of Sri Lankans claiming political
asylum overseas as an opportunity to focus international attention on
Sri Lanka. As every boatload arrives, you will see Tamil activists on
the media defaming and discrediting Sri Lanka.
There are several categories of asylum seeker boats - boats that
leave Sri Lankan shores for Cocos Islands (Australia), boats that leave
Indonesian shores for Christmas Island (Australia), and boats that leave
Thailand for Canada. The LTTE rump involvement in the third category of
boats that leave Thailand for Canada is explicitly clear. Former members
of the LTTE have provided seafaring skills and finances for human
smuggling operations to Canada. The boats that leave Sri Lankan shores
seemed to be organised by criminal gangs transcending ethnic
differences. In several cases the crew have been Sinhalese. These
criminal elements seem to be profiteering from the money coming from the
Tamil diaspora. The boats that leave Indonesia are organised by ethnic
gangs that work with Indonesian crew in the coastal town of Puncak and
services Afghan, Iranian and Iraqi Assyrians refugees.