Catnip makes cats go crazy
A perennial herb in the mint family, catnip is best known for its
euphoric effect on cats.
if you do not have a feline pet many of you must have seen how a
majority of domestic cats react when they are given a plant of
catnip,which we call kuppamania in Sri Lanka.There are over 250
different varieties of catnip in the world but all of them are not
popular with cats.

What exactly is this plant which makes most cats go crazy? It is
simply a type of herb which is related to the mint family. Nepeta
cataria (also known as catnip, catswort, or catmint) is a plant in the
Lamiaceae family that is native to much of Asia and Europe, and is
widely naturalised elsewhere. The common names can also be used to refer
to the Nepeta genus as a whole. Common catnip is the variety of this
herb loved by cats. The heart shaped leaves are grey-green and like
spearmint have a scalloped edge. They are covered in a layer of fine,
downy hairs, as is the stem. The plant will grow as tall as three feet,
the top being a tall spike covered in small white flowers.
When exposed to this plant most cats start frolicking and rolling
around in the catnip. Some will react primarily to the smell.Through
chewing biting, rubbing, and rolling in the catnip, the natural oils are
released from the leaves.
It is a harmless, non- toxic "high" for felines, cats do not always
eat catnip not all cats are affected by the herb. It appears that a cat
is either born a catnip addict of not, the sensitivity being inherited
from its parents. So ,you may have a cat that goes absolutely crazy for
catnip while others will show no interest in it at all. Whether you have
a catnip crazy cat will not be evident until it is about three months
is easy to spot whether you have a catnip sensitive cat or not as the
signs can be quite dramatic. Once the cat is introduced to catnip it
will begin by sniffing at it. This sniffing will become more and more
frantic. Then it will start to lick and then even eat the plant. Some
cats will rub their head and body against the plant and possibly start
to foam at the mouth. Rolling around on the ground and emitting loud
purrs and growls are also quite common. The cat will look as if it is
completely mad and may even display quite uncharacteristic behaviour
like leaping around and even becoming aggressive towards other animals.
All of this behaviour is quite normal and will vary from cat to cat but
one is for certain the cat certainly looks like it is enjoying
itself.Cats enjoy the aroma more so when the leaves are withered and or
damaged.The whole experience may last for 10 minutes or so, after which
the cat will be back to its normal self.Even though catnip is harmless
too much of it in one go may not be good for your cat, especially if it
is is very small.

Do you know that humans too can get as much or more from catnip as
cats. This herb forms an excellent base for herbal teas, sty addition to
salads and flavoring for foods. The chemicals in catnip allow it to work
as a mild sedative, lower fevers, sooth stomach troubles and help clear
sinuses. It also is a natural insect repellent.
Catnip is a wonderful plant to grow at homeHowever, when deciding to
grow catnip it becomes necessary to pick the right one. The best known
variety is the one which cats are fond of, but remember there are over
250 different varieties of catnip in the world.
[Fast facts]
* Catnip, also known as Nepeta is genus of approximately two hundred
and fifty species of blossoming plants in the Lamiaceae family.
* Catnip was given its name (the unofficial one) due to cats'
fondness for this herb.
* Until after the age of three months of age all kittens are
completely indifferent to the herb.
* Many adult felines including tigers and leopards react to catnip.
Lions are a rarity as the majority of them are too sensitive for the
effects of catnip, but some do react. Both male and female cats react
the same way to it.
* Catnip grows well in light sandy soils in the full sun.
* It is a great mosquito repellent.
* Catnip has medicinal purposes in addition to being an attraction
for cats. Catnip tea is beneficial against colds, fevers, and infectious
childhood diseases. In tincture form it is know to be soothing for upset
stomachs and diarrhea.Some have been using the leaves in soups and
sauces for years.
* Catnip was used in England as a spice for meat as far back as the
13th century. The leaves can be added to salads, soups, stews and
sauces. It is a member of the mint family so expect to have just that
little bit of minty freshness in your food.
* Cats can smell 1 part in a billion in the air.
* The response to catnip is mainly via the olfactory system. However,
even cats who can't smell can still respond to catnip.
* Catnip is also known by the following names: Cataria, Catmint,
Catnep, Catrup, Cat's Heal All, Cat's-play, Cat's Wort, Catswort,
Catwort, Chi Hsueh Tsao, Field Balm, Garden Nep, Herba Cataria, Herba
Catti, Nebada, Nep.
* When sniffed, catnip will stimulate a cat, however when eaten it
will act as a sedative.
*Pregnant women should avoid catnip.
Facts and pix: Internet |