Cats on the move
Cats on the move are graceful creatures. At times they run like
lightning, much too fast for us to see. Figure 1 was drawn quickly while
a cat was moving in the garden. See, as always, how the basic shape was
first drawn (on top sketch) before the final drawing (bottom sketch) was
done. A 0.1 pen was used to put in the tiny dots for fur markings.

Have you seen a cat when it is angry or defending itself from a
potential enemy? When a cat is angry it transforms itself completely.
Its fur rises up and it becomes almost twice its size. The tail too is
all puffed up. Figure 2 is my impression of an angry cat. Observe the
angry face and the body movement. The top sketch shows the outline and
the bottom sketch is completed with the details.
Learn to draw these creatures when they are moving about either
leisurely or when angry. First do a pencil drawing with a sharp point
and then do sketches in pen and ink. Spot out the fur and whiskers with
thin shades and dotted lines for a complete finish. |