National Action Plan: Tangible measures for reconciliation
The Sunday Observer on July 29 and August 5 published the first parts
of the Action Plan to implement the recommendations of the LLRC.
Continued below are the Actions proposed by the Presidential committee
to implement recommendations outlined under the final theme
With regard to the LLRC recommendations 9.171, 9.227 that refers to
phasing out of the involvement of the Security Forces in civilian
activities, the action plan directs the Ministry of Defence to formulate
a plan within six months to further reduce the military involvement,
having noted that already 95% of military involvement has been slashed.
With regard to recommendations 9.195, which says facilitate the early
return of the displaced Muslims to their places of origin in the
Northern Province and take immediate steps to assist in rebuilding of
the mosques, houses and schools destroyed or damaged by the LTTE.
The Action Plan directs the Presidential Task Force for North and the
East and the Ministry of Resettlement to formulate and implement a
policy to resettle and reintegrate displaced Muslims. The given time
frame is 18 months.
The Action Plan also directs Ministry of Defence to remove
unnecessary obstacles which is highlighted in LLRC's recommendation no.
5, on the free movement on A9. This is to be implemented within two
The Ministry of Public Administration and Home Affairs has been
directed to maintain greater coordination among security forces and GA's
of conflict affected areas, in order to normalize civilian
administration. It has given a time frame of 12 months to clear any
hurdles in this regard.
With regard to the estate Tamils, recommendation 9.201 that says
'Ensure post conflict development agenda and programs for reconciliation
take account of the essential needs of the Tamils of Indian origin', the
Action Plan directs 'assess the impact of existing programs to improve
the health, education and housing facilities for the estate sector in
order to identify areas that require improvement. It also says to revise
existing programs to make interventions more effective. The key
responsible Ministries are Health, Education, Plantation Industries and
Child Development & Women's Affairs. The Action Plan has also directed
the Police Department to disarm persons in possession of unauthoriszed
weapons and take legal action against them, in keeping with the LLRC's
9.204 recommendation. Strict enforcement of the provisions of the
'Offensive Weapons Act' and 'The Firearms and Explosives Act' is
requested with a time frame of six months given.
In reference to recommendation 9.212 which says 'Set up units of the
Attorney General's Department in the Provinces to guide and advise the
police regarding criminal investigations, prosecutions and other matters
touching upon the criminal justice system', the Action Plan directs the
AG's Department to formulate Terms of Reference for such units to
implement the recommendation within 12 months and the Police to initiate
training for its investigating officers to improve quality of
Responding to the recommendations 9.214, 9.215 'De-link the Police
Department from the institutions dealing with the armed services', it
has been noted that the Independent Police Commission has been
established. However, it has directed the proposal be referred to the
proposed Parliamentary Select Committee for further action.
To 'establish an independent institution with a strong investigative
arm to address the grievances of all citizens, in particular the
minorities, arising from the abuse of power by public officials and
other individuals involved in the governance of the country (9.218,
9.219) it has been directed that the provisions of the existing
institutions be reviewed to strengthen citizens' rights and Introduce
measures/mechanisms/amendment to laws to strengthen citizens' grievance
mechanisms. A report in this regard is required to be submitted to the
Cabinet by major stakeholders in six months. The key responsible
agencies are the Presidential Secretariat, AG's Department and
Ministries of Defence and Justice.
With respect to recommendation 9.224 that refers to enhance work
ethic of public service, Office of the Senior Minister for HR
Development has been asked to formulate a Human Resources Plan of Action
under a Human Resources National Policy and begin implementation within
three months. Recommendation 9.226 that deals with setting up an
independent Public Services Commission, it has been noted that a PSC has
already been established by the Government.
Recommendations 9.228, 9.236, 9.237 which say 'Establish a
Constitutional provision for judicial review of legislation' and 'take
on initiative to have a serious and structured dialogue with all
political parties, and those representing minorities in particular, to
develop consensus on devolution' have been referred to the Parliamentary
Select Committee. To cover the recommendations 9.245, 'Make necessary
budgetary provisions available on a priority basis for teacher training
and staffing for a trilingual nation by 2020, as well as 9.246, 247, 249
- making it mandatory on all Government offices including Police
stations to have Tamil-speaking officers at all times and that no
district or province should be categorized in terms of language, and
recommendation 9.248 'Ensure that the Language Commission is an
authority with effective powers' and 9.250 which calls on implementing
interim recommendations on language the Action Plan has recommended
following steps: Formulate an Action Plan to ensure effective
implementation of the Language policy, examine the role of the Official
Languages Commission and identify areas that need strengthening,
implement recommendations of the "Presidential Task Force on a
Trilingual Society by 2020." and design a monitoring and evaluation
plan. The key responsible agencies are the Ministry of National
Languages and Social Integration and the Presidential Task Force on
Trilingual Society.
Concerning recommendation 9.251 which calls on appointing a committee
of education experts to review the quota system with a view to introduce
a merit based admission system (university), the Action Plan directs the
UGC and Ministry of Higher Education to examine the current admission
policy with a view to recommending any changes that would improve the
criteria for admissions within 12 months.
With regard to recommendation 9.253 and 9.254 the Action Plan has set
out 24 months to the Education Ministry to finalize formulating a policy
to encourage ethnically mixed schools as well as programs to promote
inter community interactions.
The two LLRC recommendations outlined the need to 'develop a
proactive policy to encourage mixed schools of children from different
ethnic and religious backgrounds as well as student exchange
Recommendation 9.257 that relates to having a choice of courses
conducted in all three languages within public universities, the
committee that prepared the Action Plan having observed the present
university system has an ethnically mixed student population and caters
to this requirement in an appropriate manner, directs a review of the
present system by an expert group to make further recommendations to
improve the trilingual policy. The key agencies responsible are the UGC
and the Higher Education Ministry.
To harness the untapped potential of the expatriate community, and to
respond to the concerns of the so-called 'hostile diaspora groups' so as
to engage them constructively in the reconciliation process, as
suggested by the LLRC's 9.261 and 9.263 recommendations the Action Plan
directs the External Affairs Ministry to formulate programs in this
respect via Sri Lankan overseas missions. The time frame given is 3
The LLRC recommendation proposed a Multi-Disciplinary Task Force that
includes representatives from the Presidential Secretariat, External
Affairs, Defence, Foreign Employment, the Private Sector, and Academia,
to propose this program of action.
In relation to the recommendation 9.270 where it has been proposed,
'The establishment of a mechanism, in consultation with inter-faith
groups, to serves as an early warning and early diffusing system that
communal/religious tension/friction does not lead to conflict, the
Police Department as the key responsible agency has been directed to
'continue implementation of the Civil Defence Committee program of the
Police and Community Policing program. And implement capacity building
for the Police officers in the CDC's. The time frame given is six
In view of LLRC's recommendation 9.277 'Maintain and support current
practice of the National Anthem being sung simultaneously in two
languages.' the Action Plan has directed that the implementation of this
recommendation vis a vis the current Constitutional provisions to be
examined, at the PSC and to implement the PSC recommendations in this
regard within 12 months. To address the recommendation 9.283 'Enact and
strictly enforce deterrent laws to deal with 'hate speech' relating to
ethnicity, religion, and literature', Justice Ministry has been directed
to examine the adequacy of penal legislation to deal with hate speech
and Introduce law reform if necessary. The draft legislation is required
to be presented in Parliament within 12 months. The Action Plan has
directed the continuation of the present practice of expressing
solidarity as one nation and one people, and of pledging a collective
commitment to non-violence and peace so as to ensure a non-recurrence of
the past events that led to the internecine conflict. This is in respect
of the recommendation 9.285 'Set aside a separate event on National Day
to express solidarity and empathy with all victims of the tragic
conflict... The key responsible Agencies are Presidential Secretariat,
Ministry of National Languages and Social Integration, Ministry of
Public Administration & Home Affairs.
Compiled by Manjula Fernando