Vasala Sutta:
What makes one an outcast?
In ancient India, even during the time of the
Gautama Buddha, the caste system prevailed in a big way. The four
main castes were Kshatriya, Brahmana, Suddra and Vaisrave. The
blue-blooded, especially the Kshatriyas (Royalty) and the Brahmanas
thought they were superior to others. Therefore, they dominated
society and treated all others as outcasts.
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The difficult art of knowing thyself
According to an old Japanese tale, a Samurai
once challenged a Zen master to explain the concept of heaven and
hell. However, the Zen master told him scornfully that he was a fool
who was trying to waste the master’s time. The Samurai’s ego was
hurt. He lost his temper and pulled out his sword from its scabbard.
Then he threatened to kill the Zen master.
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Thorns on the Side
Exploring the final frontier
For something that is completely and literally
out of this world, space has become a hot news topic on media
worldwide. This resurgence of interest in the final frontier is
mainly due to NASA’s spectacular success with its Mars Curiosity
Rover mission.
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