Phoenix wins Gold
Phoenix Industries Limited was recently honoured for its energy
conservation initiatives at a ceremony organised by the Sri Lanka
Sustainable Energy Authority which was presided over by Prime Minister
D. M. Jayaratne.
Phoenix Industries Makandura received the Gold Flame and was the
highest rated facility in the 'Large Scale Manufacturing' category. They
were also the only facility to win a major award for two consecutive
"Phoenix Industries is the largest plastic manufacturer in the
country, with a proven track record of industrial best practices. Having
won the Bronze Flame in the year 2011, the company committed itself to
keep up the momentum with continuous improvement in the area of Energy
Management," a spokesman for Phoenix Industries said.
During 2011/2012 it implemented significant energy saving projects
and initiatives carried out by a dedicated Energy Management team
comprising the Head of Engineering K.M. Rathnaweera, Energy Manager,
Chamila Wijeratne and Engineer Sarath Ferdinandez, he said.