Green candidates in the wilderness
The Green candidates for the Sabaragamuwa PC polls are in the
wilderness, clueless as to who their real leader is! Ra-Blue tells one
thing and Saa-jeet, the Love-Slave another on the same day at an
adjoining You-En-Pee rally. Then, Ka-Roo the Victory-Sun spins another
while One-Shot boasts about Fonny.
Love-Slave, Kind Siri sing political songs
The Elephant Party, which has no worthwhile message to be taken to
the masses, is conducting a series of musical shows, rather than
political rallies for the forthcoming PC polls. One such rally turned
into a mega star musical contest between Love-Slave and Kind-Siri who
sang songs lustily. They sang 16 songs at a stretch at the so-called
Unprecedented funding for Tea-En-Ae
The Tea-En-Ae has presented its separatist agenda at the Eastern
polls to attract disgruntled Tiger supporters. As a result, there have
been heavy inflows of foreign funds to Some-Bun-Done and his party
seniors. To circumvent foreign currency regulations, the former
Tiger-proxy party has used various channels to transmit the funds from
the Diaspora on the promise that they would keep Prabha's dream alive!
Big Lady opens foul mouth
Retired Big Lady opened her foul mouth again, this time in an
interview with a scribe from the Mother-Land. As usual, she came out
with a load of piffle, with the intention of creating divisions among
the Blue Party seniors. She also showed her lust for power by saying
that she should have abolished the executive presidency during her
tenure. "Why didn't she do it then?" a little bird whispered. |