Dangers of drunken driving highlighted
Newspaper reports recently indicated that the
Police intend to get tough with drunken drivers. The Police Media
Unit said the Police have arrested and fined 1,056 persons for
driving under the influence of liquor, within a week. Police records
also indicated that 12 grave road accidents have occurred during the
past two weeks,
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Miraculous survival of the handkerchief
The handkerchief, also known as a “handkercher”
or “hanky” is a common utility item that needs no definition.
However, it is a form of “kerchief”, typically a hemmed square of
thin fabric that can be carried in the pocket or purse. It is
intended for personal hygienic purposes such as wiping one’s hands
or face or blowing one’s nose. Sometimes,
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Thorns on the side
Shelter for all
If you visit any major city on any continent,
you will notice people living on the sidewalks, with only a few
belongings and even a pet or two. The street is their home. They do
not have a place to call home.
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