Pakistan floods kill 371, affect 4.5 million
ISLAMABAD, 29 Sept AFP - Monsoon floods in
Pakistan have killed 371 people and affected nearly 4.5 million, the
government's disaster relief agency said on. Pakistan has suffered
devastating floods in the past two years, including the worst in its
history in 2010, when catastrophic inundations across the country
killed almost 1,800 people and affected 21 million.
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Eat eggs while pregnant to lower child’s risk of illness
29 September Daily Mail
Pregnant women should eat plenty of eggs and
lean meat to reduce their unborn child's risk of high blood pressure
and mental health problems in adulthood, researchers claim. A
nutrient called choline, which is found in meat, eggs, beans and
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New York to get world’s tallest ferris wheel
29 September Sky News
The world's tallest Ferris wheel is to be
created in New York - twice the height of the Statue of
Liberty.Unveiled by the city's mayor, Michael Bloomberg, the
attraction is planned for Staten Island. It will cost £142m ($230m)
and measure 625ft (190m).
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Hubble captures extraordinary view of Universe
29 September Daily Mail
The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) has produced
one of its most extraordinary views of the Universe to date.Called
the eXtreme Deep Field, the picture captures a mass of galaxies
stretching back almost to the time when the first stars began to
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