Academically and professionally qualified employed partner is sought by respectable well connected G/B parents from Colombo suburbs for 29 years slim 58 tall daughter professionally qualified Software Engineer, presently employed at a state organisation in USA for over five years educated at leading Girls School in Colombo and graduated inherits substantial assets. Reply with horoscope and family details.
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified honest partner around 40 is sought by BKG parents from Kotte for only daughter born 1977 51 qualified Executive in an International Bank in Colombo owns upstair house, modern vehicle. Brother professional USA citizen.
Academically and professionally qualified partner is sought by B/G parents living in Colombo for their academically and professionally qualified daughter. Height 51 Born in December 1983. Working as an Officer in a reputed Bank in Colombo. Malefic horoscope (Rahu 7th Shani 12th). Reply with details and a copy of horoscope to
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified partner is sought by K/G/B Colombo suburb parents for their 29+ pretty UK educated PhD ( Science) daughter working as a Consultant in a leading multinational company in London. Reply with family details and horoscope copy.
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified partner is sought by respectable Sinhala G/B parents in Kandy for their 24, 52 pleasant well mannered daughter with an excellent charactor educated in leading school in Kandy graduated with Hons degree in science (U.S.A) elder daughter married to a Srilankan engineer resident in the U.S.A proposed daughter possesses a modern house, vehicle and other assets father government doctor seeks doctor or equivalent write with horoscope rahu, sikkuru in the 7th house 7 nekatha.
Academically and professionally qualified son is sought by Govi Buddhist Kandyan professional parents living in the UK for their slim pretty daughter, 28+ years old 53 height, brought up with Sinhalese, Buddhist values in the UK. She is MRCP qualified MBBS doctor working for the NHS. Kuja, Shani in Seventh house. Please reply with family details and horoscope.
[email protected] -
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified, honest and caring partner living in UK is sought by SBG parents for their daughter. She is born and raised in UK, 33 years of age, fair, attractive, well mannered and graduated from one of the most prestigious universities in the world. She is well accomplished, has chosen teaching profession, and owns a comfortable house in London. Reply with family details, horoscope and contact No. Email :
[email protected]
Academically professionally qualified partner sought by G/B parents for their professionally qualified daughter 28, 53. Reply with horoscope and family details.
[email protected]
Academically professionally qualified tall handsome kind partner below 30 years from a respectable family is sought by professional Buddhist Govigama parents for their slim pretty charming daughter, 27 years 57 in height Degree in Accounting Finance Econ (Hons), works for a reputed organsiation in Australia She is an Australian citizen inherits substantial assets. Please reply with full family details and the horoscope to
[email protected]
Academically qualified partner below 36 yrs. is sought by S/B mother for her graduate daughter 32 yrs. 52 currently studying for London LLB respond with family details and horoscope (malefic). Email:
[email protected]
Academically / professionally qualified partner is sought by G/B parents living in USA for their well accomplished, 57, slim, attractive, 32 year daughter who is an MBA graduate employed as an Accountant. Partner should be tall, well mannered with sober habits, and living in USA. Please reply with family details. to
[email protected]
Academically / professionally qualified, well established partner with good family background is sought by G/B well established business parents from Colombo suburb for their pretty, fair daughter 22 years, 52 educated at a leading international school in Colombo, holding a BSc - Accountancy degree from Australian university. She will inherit valuable assets. Reply with full family details, horoscope and contact numbers.
[email protected]
Accomplish suitable partner sought by G/B parents for well educated, v. pretty and younger looking daughter 47 in UK. Reply with H/c and contact Nos -
[email protected]
Affluent BG parents Colombo seek suitable partner for well-educated (MBA / CIMA) smart daughter Banker born 1973, height 51 permanently employed & residing in Australia owns valuable assets including house visiting Sri Lanka for short holiday. Apply with horoscope. T: 0114801291 -
[email protected]
Age 36 G/B from Kandy. A pleasant, simple and younger looking daughter. Studied in a leading girls school in Kandy. Qualified teacher in speech & Drama (London) and Pre- School. Currently conducts her own Elocution classes. Only brother Trinitian, married and working abroad. Father was a Post-master. Mother seeks a kind hearted; educated partner. Prefers to go abroad. Differences immaterial. Please respond with horoscope and family details.
[email protected]
An academic or professional partner is sought by Sinahalese parents residing in Australia for their fair very pretty professionally qualified daughter 37 years 52, divorced after very brief marriage, innocent party. 0112581002.
[email protected]
An educated respectable Bodu Govi family seeks an academically and professionally qualified son who loves family life and respects Sinhala Buddhist values from a similar background and who would live in the UK for the next few years for their daughter highly qualified very pretty fair slim 53 34 yrs. having unblemished character Lecturer in a prestigious UK University possesses substantial assets here and in the UK. She has a pleasing personality and respects Sinhala Buddhist way of life. Parents please apply with full family details and copy of horoscope. Email:
[email protected]
A kind partner is sought by sister for her elder sister, teacher innocent very kind and pleasant looking, height 55 44 yrs. divorced (One child). Prefer to settle down abroad. (No encumbrances). (Replies any other countries also).
[email protected]
A qualified son with cultured values connected to Australia sought by G/B parents residing Colombo suburbs for their well mannered pretty daughter 25+, 52 studying I.T in Melbourne staying with aunt. Inherits millions of properties.
Buddhist Govi retired Administrative Officer father seeks a well employed / well established businessman son between 40 - 45 of age for his very pretty teacher daughter presently working in an international school in Dubai. 011-3108161. email:
[email protected]
Buddhist parents looking for suitable partner for 26 y daughter slim pretty bank employee. Email horoscope to:
[email protected] Telephone 2649615.
Buddhist S/G parents seek for their only daughter, 37, 53, pretty slim, MA graduate completing an MBA, working in prestigious company, a smart, well-educated son, fluent in English from similar background. She is willing to migrate if necessary. Non-smoker and teetotaller preferred.
[email protected]
Bud/Ka/Gov parents eldest daughter 1986 June, 52 B.Sc / M.Sc qualified presently working Consultant / Lecturer clinical psychologist looking for partner. NA/NS Doctor Engineer. Reply with horoscope.
[email protected]
B/G parents from Colombo suburbs seek educated partner for only daughter 32+ teaching ICT and completing BIT Degree height 54 non-malefic horoscope. Owns fully furnished modern upstair house and cash in fixed deposits.
B/G parents from Colombo, seek a suitable partner for their fair slim daughter, with charming personality (born in 1979 July) height 5 6 1/2 academically and professionally qualified, working for Dubai Government as a Foodsafety Officer. Reply with horoscope. Email:
[email protected]
B/G parents seek an academically and professionally qualified partner, preferbaly a US citizen / PR holder or who is studying or working at present in USA or someone residing in Australia or Sri Lanka for their attractive daughter, 28, 53. She has a degree in BSc. Accounting and currently pursuing an MBA in USA. Please reply with family details, horoscope and contact number. e-mail:
[email protected]
B/K parents seek a kind hearted son with true Buddhist values for 31 year old fair, pretty religious daughter well brought up with Sinhalese values. She is an Australian PR holder, academically and professionally qualified and working in Australia. She will inherit substantial assets. Please reply with horoscope and family details in the first letter.
[email protected]
Canada resident Sinhalese (K/C/B) parents seek an educated (professional / graduate) or financially well established partner for their professional daughter 45 (5) youthful attractive medium complexioned slender and attractive. She is divorced (innocent party) after a short marriage and does not have any kids. Widowers innocent party divorcees and single dads with one child will also be considered. Residents of Canada USA UK and Australia preferred. Reply with full details and contact phone number in the first letter to:
[email protected]
Catholic parents in USA seek kind, educated partner for their pretty, fair daughter 30, 56 professional and well-employed. Prefer from USA & religion immaterial. Please reply with full details. Email :
[email protected]
Catholic Sinhala overseas parents seek academically professionally qualified partners for daughters 35 and 32. email:
[email protected]
Colombo Govi Buddhist mother seeks academically professionally qualified partner around 40 years for Masters qualified IT Project Manager / University Lecturer daughter presently in Australia pursuing postgraduate studies and works for a university. PR holder 53 fair complexioned coming on vacation with substantial means. Full detials with horoscope.
[email protected]
Colombo G/B parents seek an academically professionally qualified son for their youngest daughter 28 years 52. She holds a degree from a reputed University in UK and currently working in London and PR holder. She inherits substantial assets in UK and Sri Lanka. Reply with family details and copy of horoscope. Email:
[email protected]
Employed / businessman groom sought for Technical Officer born 12.10.1977 height 5 fair specially Ratnapura.
[email protected]
GB mother seeks a suitable partner for younger daughter, Chartered Accountant who is a PR holder in Canada, was born in 1979, 5. Please reply with horoscope (non-malefic) and family details. Email :
[email protected]
Govi Biddhist respectable parents father retired education director from Kandy seeks religious partner professional or educated businessman for their youngest daughter 42, 52 slim, fair and pretty new working in a computer related profession in a prestigious firm in Kandy.
Govi / Catholic parents living in UK seek a professional partner for their 27 years old fair and attractive daughter 55, Science graduate. Employed as a Scientist in Oxford University. Also she inherits substantial assets in UK. Religion and caste immaterial. Please reply with full details to: Email:
[email protected]
G/B Colombo suburb mother seeks a suitable partner for pleasant looking Electrical Engineer daughter 36+, 54 Kuja 08, inherits house / vehicle.
[email protected]
G/B parents seek academically and professionally qualified partner, PR holder or citizen of Australia under 35 yrs. for their daughter equally qualified and presently working in Singapore She is 26 yrs. old 55 fair and pretty. Kindly reply with family details and horoscope. Caste immaterial. Email:
[email protected]
G/B parents seek an academically / professionally qualified son for daughter, 25 years 53 studying for DMD (Doctor for Medical Dentistry) degree at well-reputed university. Seeking a caring, good natured, honest partner from a respectable family living abroad (preferably UK/US) and with similar education for relationship leading to marriage. Please reply to
[email protected] if sons nekatha is Asvida, Ma, Mula, Muwasirasa, Sitha, Denata, Punawasa, Veesa, Puwaputupa, Pusha, Utraputupa, Anura.
G/K/B parents seek educated partner for daughter studying in Australia 29 yrs. 54 pretty lean divorced after brief marriage no encumbrances partner residing in Australia prefer. Email :
[email protected]
Moor parents residing UK and are looking for a suitable well educated and religious partner for our 24 year old daughter. She is a Doctor and currently working in London. We are looking for a Sri Lankan Muslim boy who is preferably of a Medical profession. Please contact us on E-mail:
[email protected]
Mother seeks partner for daughter here or abroad 51 educated pleasant divorcee innocent party no children
[email protected]
Muslim parents from Colombo seek a suitable partner for our 24 yrs. daughter. She is moderately religious well educated slim, very pretty, very fair, 54 and well employed in London. Handsome Muslim groom should be below 30 yrs. well educated professionally qualified preferably living and working in the UK. Please E-mail your full bio-data including contact and family details to.
[email protected]
Respectable G/B mother seeks a professional partner preferably under 34 yrs. with good family background and sober habits for charming daughter, 29, 52, educated at a leading Colombo school and employed in a leading international bank. Late father, Planter. Only brother IT professional married, Australian / SL dual citizen, presently in Sri Lanka. Reply with non-malefic horoscope & full family particulars to
[email protected]
Sinhala Buddhist parents seek academically qualified well-mannered Doctor or Lawyer who is willing to settle down in London for their daughter UK graduated Doctor with postgraduate. MRCP working for NHS in London trained to be a physician 26 yrs. 53 kind-hearted very pretty fair intelligent girl with sober habits and brought up with Buddhist values. She inherits valuable assets in London, Colombo & Australia. Pls. Reply with family details and horoscope. E-mail
[email protected]
Sinhala Christian parents living close proximity to Colombo seek a professionally qualified smart partner for their daughter of 29 educated in leading school in Colombo presently reading for her Masters in Law and employed in a managerial level in the legal field in a reputed multinational company in Colombo with good future prospects. Christian/ Catholic preferred. Reply with full details.
[email protected]
Upcountry Buddhist Vishwakula middle class family seeks partner for MBBS Doctor daughter Postgraduate Training. 37 y. 52. Email :
[email protected]
Upcountry family looking kind caring Sinhala, Buddhist Medical or legal professional age 65 to 70 for their relative pretty professional kind hearted lady with substantial wealth live in UK. Reply with full details.
[email protected]
Up Country B/G respectable family living in Colombo suburb seeks a suitable similar age, professional partner for daughter, 40 years, 54, pretty, well-educated, Capricorn Lagna, Hatha Nekatha. Presently working in a leading Ministry in Colombo as Executive and set to receive a Diplomatic assignment abroad soon. Reply with the copy of horoscope. Sri Lankans living abroad are also welcome.
[email protected]