CL Synergy obtains carbon neutral status
CL Synergy, a freight forwarding company obtained carbon neutral
status in August 2012. Cambridge Partners in Association with Netbalance
Australia were the certifiers.
Following the footprint calculation, CL Synergy has now purchased
Carbon Credits which have offset the carbon footprint of its operations
to zero.
"We are a company strongly committed to the environmental stability
of planet Earth and social responsibility does take top priority in our
operations. We are very proud to be one of the pioneering companies to
be certified as Carbon Neutral in such a short period of operation in
Sri Lanka," said Managing Director of CL Synergy, Roshan Silva.
"It gives us tremendous pride in this achievement and stress our
commitment and contribution to reduce global warming," he said.
"This certification ascertains our environmentally sustainable ethos
and portrays us as a more responsible corporate citizen, while ensuring
that we reap the benefits of being a sustainable, ethical and
eco-friendly business entity," Silva said.