Why men are not ‘beautiful’
Newspapers and magazines are full of beauty queens and beautiful
women in various spheres. Books have been written on beautiful women
such as Cleopatra, Helen of Troy, Elizabeth Taylor, Princess Diana and
Marilyn Monroe. What is more, there are many magazines devoted to
promote beautiful women. However, we never talk about ‘beautiful’ men.
We simply say “He is a handsome man”, reserving the word ‘beautiful’ for
Now that man has almost conquered the distant planet Mars, there is a
possibility that some Martians would visit the earth and find that men
are infinitely more worthy of admiration than women. They may realise
that men are more intelligent and ‘beautiful’ than women. However, by
some quirk of fate, men have become a confused lot. They do not see any
beauty in themselves, but see beauty only in women!
It is time that man took a long and hard look at himself to decide
whether he should reconsider his plight on earth. First of all, he must
look at the animal world where all the males are more beautiful than
females. The peacock is a shining example. Can a peahen hold a candle to
the peacock as far as beauty is concerned?
According to an old adage, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.
Over the centuries man has been conditioned to view woman as a beautiful
creature relegating himself to play second fiddle. Nobody knows how or
when this absurd misconception occurred in human history. Man has
relegated his own values and judgement, believing that woman is more
beautiful than him.
Mary Wollstonecraft: “Let woman share
the rights and she will emulate the virtues of man.” |
Authors and poets have taken all the trouble to endow woman with
qualities such as intelligence, beauty, gentleness, compassion and
empathy. Man also believes that woman has a sixth sense or intuition
which lies outside the five senses. With all such supposedly high and
admirable qualities, no woman has founded a religion or shot to
prominence as a leading philosopher except a few.
Simone de Beauvoir, the French novelist and philosopher, was a
notable exception. She was largely responsible for inaugurating the
modern feminist movement. Although she wrote The Ethics of Ambiguity and
The Second Sex, considered to be the mirror of her philosophical
insight, she has been marginalised because of her feminism. Once she
said, “One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.”
Feminist philosopher
Mary Wollstonecraft (1759 - 1797) is another feminist philosopher who
campaigned for the rights of women and men as well. Her Vindication of
the Rights of Women was preceded by a pamphlet Vindication of the Rights
of Man . She said, “Let woman share the rights and she will emulate the
virtues of man.” Encouraging women to be “docile and attentive to their
looks” in a male-dominated world, Wollstonecraft said, “Marriage is
merely legal prostitution.”
It is interesting to ascertain why men stick to their old wives who
have lost much of their beauty. Given the choice, many men would change
their older wives for younger women. However, this is not always
possible because of grown-up children, grandchildren and social mores.
What is more, when men get old they prefer to keep what they already
Women should be happy that most men never consider themselves
handsome although many of them possess some kind of beauty. Men work
hard to keep the home fires burning. Unless they are struck down by a
debilitating disease, most men remain sturdy even in their old age.
While elderly men spend their time in profitable work, most elderly
women confine themselves to their own homes, looking after children and
Most men remain attractive without the use of cosmetics or cosmetic
surgery. Some men dye their hair to gain a youthful look. Even if they
do not do so, they will look handsome with their grey hair and keen
intellect. A woman, when she reaches her old age, tends to neglect her
body. Most women give up the struggle to stay beautiful in their old
It is tragic that man has not realised his own good looks. He is just
like an elephant that does not know its own strength. This is because
some authors and poets have exaggerated the feminine beauty. As a
result, man thinks he is always inferior to woman where good looks are
concerned. Or it may be that man thinks beauty is not something to worry
about because there are many lofty aspects of life that need priority.