VarietyBelieve it or
There is a saying truth is stranger than fiction. It means some real
happenings are harder to believe than made up stories. Over the years I
have collected a large number of such stories from news papers, local
and foreign. Going through these stories recently, I thought of sharing
some of them with Junior Observer readers. Here is the story of a
nine-year-old boy who was a week in a well and how a toddler landed on
the top of a tree.
Toddler lands on tree top

Do you know what a tornado is? It is a violent storm with whirling
winds. Tornadoes are quite frequent in the southern states of America,
especially in Florida the peninsular at the South Western tip of the
United States.About 10 years ago dozens of tornadoes, some with winds
reaching 210 miles per hour (MPH), slammed into Central Florida.
Roofs were torn from houses, pick-up trucks were on top of a tree, a
super market was reduced to twisted metal and seven people were killed.
Debris from destroyed homes lay everywhere.An 18-month-old infant was
hurled into the air and he fell-where? Onto his own mattress which had
been blown into the branches of a tree.
Jonathan Waldick was in the bedroom of his parents’ wood frame house
which was destroyed as the tornado struck. Jonathan and his mattress had
been snapped up by the swirling winds and carried outside. The wind had
snapped off the top of a large oak tree and deposited the mattress in
the branches. Jonathan landed on the mattress. Rescuers spent 40 minutes
searching for the toddler. They feared that he was buried under the
rubble of his bed room. As they were looking for any sign of the boy,
one man spotted a foot sticking out from a mattress up on a tree. He
climbed up the tree and found a toddler lying there, not moving and eyes
open. He called out to the others.
Rescuers kept looking at him,. They thought he was dead. In a little
while he moved. He was brought down carefully and taken to hospital.
Doctors examined him and said there was nothing more than a bump on the
head. Other stories of strange survivals came to light, as President
Clinton began to tour the area.
No sign of Tiago
Tiago Felix de Souza is a boy in Brazil. He is the 11th in the family
and when this happened he was nine-years-old. On a December day he took
lunch to his father who was working on a farm, and didn’t return. His
mother waited and waited, but there was no sign of Tiago.
When the father came back from work the mother told him that Tiago
had vanished. What could have happened? Where had he gone? The father
was non-plussed. What a tragedy and it was just before Christmas.
Benedicto de Souza gave up his job on the farm to look for his son.
He and the family and a few neighbours searched and searched for a whole
week, but all in vain.Then, on Sunday, Christmas Day as Beneidcto was
walking past a well covered by vegetation, he heard a voice-someone
calling for help. He stopped and listened. It was a voice calling for
He went to what looked like a deep pit, cleared the grass and plants
and looked below. There at the bottom of this deep well was his son. He
called out to the family. They came and so did some of the neighbours.
They couldn’t haul the boy up. Fire fighters were called and they hauled
up the boy. The well was 65 feet deep.
Tiago was rushed to the intensive care ward in a hospital in the
nearest town. Doctors who examined Tiago said he was exhausted and
famished, but he had no broken bones.Tiago told rescuers that he
survived by drinking rain water. |