King Ravana and flights of fancy on Dandu Monara
by Padma Edirisinghe
King Ravana is one of those characters who has immortalised himself
in Lanka’s saga. What sustains him forever? Mostly legends and fancy
tales. That is more or less the viewpoint of sceptics while many, mostly
those suffused with national pride like to garnish them with a true
historical touch. For them the Dandu Monara was actually an air plane
that cruised far off skies carrying mighty Ravana to distant corners. He
ruled the world and Sri Lanka was more or less the centre and
machinating point of the world.
Among those obsessed with king Ravana is Mirando Obeysekera who has
established his research centre in distant Madipola off Matale.
Unfortunately, he is now indisposed which has limited his research to
speculations on bed. He has sent me this exploratory note on Ravana and
the Hellas. The word Hellas, he probably used for Hellas or the
Sinhalas. Hellas however in real usage means a shield. However, he seems
to distinguish these Hellas as a Yakka ethnic group who lived here.
For a very imaginative person it is not much of a feat to travel
around the world while on bed. There is a human settlement called Hellas
in Switzerland that was founded by this Hella ethnic group. Dandu Monara
may have facilitated the long voyage. He writes, ‘During the time of
Emperor Ravana BP 7500 he sent some groups of Hellas of noble Yakka
ethnic group of Lanka to explore and find out new green pastures for
human settlements all over the world. Therefore the Hellas have been
able to make new human settlements in North, South and Central America.
The aborigines of these countries are the Hellas of Lanka.”
Ola leaves
Mirando Obeysekara also cites ancient ola leaves (existing or non
existing) that the founder of Argentina was Arjan, a relation of Ravana.
It amazes one as to how ingeniously Obeysekera connects present place
names in the world to the Ravana saga. While the founder of Brazil was a
Sri Lankan hermit named Barazila. Palasthy? What is it? A composite of
present Jordan, Gaza and Israel and according to Ravana Katha, founder
of Palasthy was a Hella named Juda Raksha of Sri Lanka. Earlier it was
called Kannan. Ravana felt that this was a very strategic piece of
territory, the Rough sea(Dead sea) and Red Sea so very close.
It bridged Asia, Africa and Europe. How did it come to be called
Palasthy or Palasthena or the plateau of the Carpet? Because the team
from Sri Lanka sat on a Palas and made a vow regarding its future. What
flights of fancy or am I or he going mad? But yet there is some charm in
it all... the charm of Canaan where many things happened along the long
passage of time and would still happen.
New inhabitants
The new inhabitants of the area complained to Ravana that the tidal
waves of the Rough sea were posing a problem. Ravana went there by his
plane, offered a pooja to the Sun God and made the Rough sea silent.
After that it became the Dead Sea for ever.
After Ravana passed away the clan of Juda Raksha faced many enemies
and they fled to Mesapotamia and other neighbouring countries. Then
Moses the Hermit of Judas clan gathered all these to Kanaan. Dr.
Obeysekera says, “Now the original settlers of Kanaan stepped into a
sandy part and formed Israel. Their language was Hebrew. Megalithic Hela
language exists on stone inscriptions even today.”
Jews according to him are the descendants of Juda Raksha from Sri
Lanka. A population of 4000 Jews had once lived in Lanka according to
Benjamin Rabai.
With all due courtesy to the tireless researcher who devoted his
whole life to research one does feel jealous of him. After a hectic
academic life he is now letting his fancy wander around the world.
It may not be fancy after all, for many believe little Lanka to have
been at the centre of activity in the world during Ravana’s time
especially since no other contemporary ruler owned an air vessel or
Dandu Monara that still graces our air lines.