Great Barrier Reef loses half its coral in 27 years
6 October Daily Mail
The Great Barrier Reef has lost half of its coral in less than three
decades, according to a new study which blames the killer Crown of
Thorns starfish for its demise.A comprehensive survey monitoring 214 of
the individual reefs along the World Heritage site found that coral
cover decreased from 28 per cent in 1985 to 13.8 per cent this year.
If replicated across the entire Great Barrier Reef, which runs the
length of Queensland’s coast and stretches 155 miles from shore, the
figure equates to a loss of coral across almost 19,300 sq miles of reef
more than twice the area of Wales.
One of the key factors in the deterioration of coral was population
explosions of Crown of Thorns starfish, which researchers held
responsible for more than two fifths of the overall loss.
Under the right conditions, Crown of Thorns can each produce tens of
millions of larvae, triggering mass population booms which have been
shown to strip entire reefs of coral.
Outbreaks of the starfish can be sparked by the run-off of
fertilisers from the shore into the sea, and coastal development has
increased their frequency from a rate of about two per century to one in
every 15 years. The giant predators, which have up to 21 arms covered in
poisonous spikes, can each consume up to 107 sq ft of living coral per
year and will eat virtually any type that lives on the reef. Although
slow moving, the starfish can devour vast amounts of coral by descending
on it and pushing their stomach out through their mouth, allowing them
to digest an area equal to their own 17 inch diameter in one swoop.
Other major factors affecting the reef are cyclone damage, which
caused around half of all coral death, and bleaching due to rising sea
temperatures, which was responsible for 10 per cent. Although storms
were found to have the biggest overall impact, Crown of Thorns outbreaks
are the most easily preventable threat, experts said.
At its current rate of decline the Great Barrier Reef could lose
another half of its remaining coral in a decade, but without starfish
outbreaks coral cover would begin to slowly increase, a new study in the
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal reported.