Missing boy 'kept safe by dogs'
6 October Sky News
An Australian mother has said she believes her family's pet dogs kept
her four-year-old Down syndrome son safe after he went missing
Cold, lying face down and covered in scratches, Riley Martin was
found sitting on the ground in undergrowth in the state of New South
Wales after he disappeared for almost 24 hours.
He and his three pet dogs two fox terriers and a kelpie - had not
been seen since midday on Wednesday when he went missing from his home
in the rural town of Nambucca Heads. A local couple saw a police appeal
for help and immediately drove to the area to join up to 80 volunteers
in the search. They found Riley on Thursday morning with one of his
dogs. "We heard a dog bark, we almost stood on him," Sally Pratley told
"He was covered in scratches and cold." A man ran down a nearby
street yelling "we have found him" to the boy's mother Bianca.
TV footage of an emotional reunion showed her grabbing hold of Riley
and collapsing to the ground. "Has he had water?" she asked. "He's been
through the bush. Those dogs kept him alive. Words can't describe it."
The boy was checked by paramedics and taken to hospital as a precaution.
Police, emergency services workers, volunteers and neighbours had
scoured the area around Riley's home until Wednesday night.
Local police kept searching overnight. Acting Superintendent Shane
Cribb from Mid North Coast Local Area Command said Riley had wandered
about 1km from his home. "He took three dogs with him and they kept him
company throughout the night, which was probably something that kept him
with a bit of warmth," he told ABC Radio.
"That might have been enough to get him through the night but I
suppose we'll never know." Supt Cribb was surprised the boy was found in
quite good condition given the circumstances.