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Sunday, 10 March 2013





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The story of Ven. Sariputta's brother Revata

Ven. Sariputta was one of the 10 major disciples of the Buddha, foremost in wisdom. He was one of the chief disciples (Aggrasavaka).

The other being Ven. Moggallana. Many Buddhists may not be aware that Ven. Sariputta had a younger brother named Revata. He also had sisters. The parents were keen on Revata's marriage. He was only seven years when his parents arranged a marriage for him. It was the normal practice followed in India at that time.

At the wedding Revata met a very old woman. Like Prince Siddharth, Revata too realised that all beings are subjected to decay and death.

He went to a monastery, where about 30 Bhikkhus had been ordained as novices. He too entered the Sasana.

Novice Bhikkhu Revata concentrated on meditation. There are two basic kinds of meditative practices. The first is the development of concentration, where one gives the mind a single object and rest there (Samatha). The second kind is the development of mindful awareness, in which we use tranquillity, that arises from concentration to see the impermanent, changing native of our experience (Vipasyana).


Ven. Revata was residing at Acacia (Khadira) forest about 30 Yojanas or leagues. Accordiing to Buddhist literature, a Yojana was about 24 kilometres.

When Ven. Sariputta, respectfully asked for permission to visit his brother, the Blessed One not only gave him permission, but also accompanied him. They covered a Yojana a day. Revata, has made arrangements to welcome Gautama Buddha and his brother, chief disciple Sariputta and 500 Bhikkhus.

The Buddha and the Bhikkhus travelled a long distance from Jetavana Monastery to Acacia (Khadira) Forest. On their return journey they came to the Pubbaramaya Monastery on the eastern end of Savatthi. The greatest benefactress Visakha who was residing at Savatthi provided alms to the Bhikkhus.

Question and answer

Visakha, one day, with great respect and honour asked the Buddha about his experiences at Acacia forest and Ven. Revata.

The Blessed One replied thus:

Game va yadi va ranne
Whether in the town or woods
Ninne ra yadi va thale
Whether in a vale, on hill

Yattharahanto viharati
Wherever Arahats dwell
Tam Bhumim Ramaneyyakam

(Dhammapada – Arahanta Vagga – Stanza 98)

Whether in the village, in the forest, in a valley or in the plain, wherever Arahats dwell that place is alluring in the extreme.

Who is an Arahat?

Arahats are the Noble Ones – Ariya Puggalo. They are the ones who have realised one of the eight stages of holiness. The four Super-mundane paths (Magga) and Super mundane fruitions (Phala) of these paths.

Nibbana is the ultimate goal produced by institutional insight in impermanence, misery, and impersonality of existence, flashing forth and transforming one's life and nature.



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