Boost for Pakistan - Lanka trade
The High Commission of Pakistan in Sri Lanka in association with the
Trade Development Authority of Pakistan, launched the EXPO Pakistan 2013
- Opportunities Unlimited in Colombo last week to boost bilateral trade.

Industries and Commerce Minister Rishad Bathiyutheen(R) and High
Commissioner of Pakistan in Sri Lanka Qasim Qureshi light the
traditional oil lamp to inaugurate EXPO Pakistan 2013 -
Opportunities Unlimited in Colombo. |
Industries and Commerce Minister Rishad Bathiyutheen was the chief
guest and jointly inaugurated the event with the High Commissioner of
Pakistan, Major General (Ret.) Qasim Qureshi.
The Deputy High Commissioner of Pakistan gave a detailed presentation
on the EXPO Pakistan 2013, its history, concept, features and the
logistics pertaining to the event.
High Commissioner Qureshi said economic diplomacy is the primary
focus of Pakistan's new government. Pointing out that formal mechanisms
such as the Free trade Agreement, Bilateral Investment Treaty, Customs
Cooperation Agreement and Agreement on Avoidance of Double Taxation are
already in place in Sri Lanka, the High Commissioner urged the business
communities of both countries to use these mechanisms to take economic
ties to a new level.
He said all efforts will be made to attain the trade target of US$ 1
billion between Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The Joint Economic Commission,
established between the two countries, is due to meet in a few months,
he said, adding that it will address the existing obstacles in trade and
consider other avenues to expand the economic ties between the two
Minister Bathiyutheen welcomed the initiative of the High Commission
to introduce the EXPO Pakistan 2013 in an interactive session to the
business community of Sri Lanka. Expressing his satisfaction on the
progress and pace of economic ties between Pakistan and Sri Lanka, the
Minister said a concerted effort was needed on both sides to translate
the excellent political relations into strong economic and commercial
relations. He said Sri Lanka under the aegis of the Export Development
Board will send a strong delegation to attend the EXPO Pakistan 2013. |