With syringe pumps and monitor:
Harvesters Assist presents ICU bed to Cancer Hospital
Harvesters Assist (HA) generously donated an ICU bed with all
accessories to the paediatric oncology unit of the National Cancer
Hospital, Maharagama recently. The donation was contributed followed by
an appeal made by Dr. Damayanthi C. Pieris Senior Consultant, Oncologist
In-Charge of the ward. The equipment was installed in the High
Dependency Unit in the presence of two representatives from Harvesters
Assist Australia.
The total unit comprises an ICU bed, a monitor and two syringe pumps
at a cost of over 1.2 Mn rupees, the first of such equipment to be made
available to the paediatric ward. Dr. Damayanthi says, "We are now able
to monitor a critically ill child without having to transfer the child
to the ICU, whereby losing close supervision on the patient."
Harvesters Assist Inc., a non-profit organisation established in
Australia explores the fundamentals of a supportive environment to the
underprivileged and the needy, providing appropriate and effective
response to humanitarian crisis, both long term and short term in Sri
Lanka. HA also contributes in facilitating to diagnose, prevent, treat,
and provide palliative care for cancer victims in Sri Lanka. HA
exclusively raised funds to support the paediatric ward, with its annual
charity dinner in Sydney, Australia early this year. |