Muslim Hajj pilgrimage in focus amid MERS virus fears
29 June AFP
Virologists are casting a worried eye on this year's Islamic hajj
pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia as they struggle with the enigmatic, deadly
virus known as MERS which is striking hardest in the kingdom.
Little is known about the new pathogen, beyond the fact that it can
be lethal by causing respiratory problems, pneumonia and kidney failure.
It can be transmitted between humans, but unlike its cousin, the SARS
virus, which sparked a scare a decade ago, it does not seem very
Even so, for any respiratory virus the mass gathering of the hajj
provides a perfect opportunity to first spread at the two holiest Muslim
shrines in the cities of Mecca and Medina, and then travel around the
globe at jet speed as pilgrims return home.
The 2012 hajj drew 3.1 million people and this year's event likewise
occurs in October, as the northern hemisphere slides into the season for
coughs and sneezes.
UN World Health Organisation (WHO) head Margaret Chan sounded the
alarm to ministers at the agency's annual congress in May.
“We need to get the facts clear and get the appropriate advice to all
your countries where your pilgrims want to go to Mecca. It is something
quite urgent,” she said.
Experts point first and foremost to figuring out the basics of the
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) coronavirus.
Is it transmitted by contact -- if a patient contaminates his home or
workplace with droplets containing virus? Or is it done by breathing in
virus from coughs and sneezes? What is the best treatment for it? What
about a vaccine? Are there risks of viral mutation? And is there an
animal host which acts as a reservoir for the virus? The first recorded
MERS death was in June 2012 in Saudi Arabia. The count has ticked up
steadily, with a flurry this May and June taking it to 77, the bulk of
them in the kingdom.
Forty MERS patients have died to date, an extremely high rate of 52
percent, compared to nine percent of the 8,273 recorded patients with
SARS, which was centred on Asia. But again, the tally of people who have
fallen ill with MERS but not been diagnosed with it, or who may have
been infected but not developed symptoms, is simply unknown.As the fight
for knowledge unfolds behind lab doors, the WHO is urging nations to
monitor respiratory infections, especially among patients returning from
the Middle East, but has held off calling for travel restrictions.
“This is really a new phenomenon that we're dealing with,” Keiji
Fukuda, WHO assistant director general for health security, told the
International Conference on Prevention and Infection Control in Geneva
this week.“We don't know what the potential is yet, based on the
information we have, for sustained human-to-human transmission. We don't
know what the full geographic extent of this virus is right now.”
Leading virologist Laurent Kaiser of the Geneva University Hospitals
told AFP: “It's really a balance between too much precaution and no
At this time, we have to be worried, we have to be careful.” While
MERS centres on Saudi Arabia, there have been laboratory-confirmed cases
originating in Jordan, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.Britain,
France, Germany, Italy and Tunisia have had cases who were either sent
there for care or who fell ill after returning from the Middle East.
France, Italy, Tunisia and Britain have also seen limited transmission
among patients who had not been to the Middle East but had close contact
with people who had. |