Young man who lived in the Siberian forest for 16 years
There have been number of stories about people abandoning the society
and going to live in the forest for ages. And the latest of these
unusual news stories comes from a town called Belokirika, close to the
Russia’s Siberian forest area. Dubbed as the” forest boy” or the
“Siberian Mowgli” after the main character in Rudyard Kipling’s The
Jungle Book, this young man born in 1993 had lived in the forest since
1997. when his family decided to leave society.
Siberian Mowgli ... The
young man who lived in a Siberian forest for 16 years |
Russian authorities had found him living alone in a Siberian forest
after having apparently spent most of his life living there in a hut
with his parents, local officials said.
His parents left him alone in the hut in May before he finally went
to a nearby village to ask for help when the summer ended, the
authorities said.
The local prosecutor's office, alarmed that the man may have to spend
the Siberian winter in a forest by himself, appealed in court to have
his identification documents re-established so that he can seek state
support, prosecutor Roman Fomin said. He said that the man's family went
to live in the wild as a conscious decision, but apparently not out of
religious reasons.
Fomin said that a local woman had brought the young man to the
prosecutors out of fear that he may need help through the cold winter,
but the man then had gone back to his hiding place in the forest.
Belokurikha is a well-known resort area in Russia's picturesque Altai
region in south Siberia, known for mineral springs, health spas, and
A see-through snail!
You may have seen a number of snails of different sizes and with
different colours but can you imagine a snail with a translucent or a
see-through shell!
Different views of the living specimen
(solid border) and empty shell (dotted border). |
The new snail completely lacks eyes
and shell pigmentation. Neither would serve a purpose in the
complete darkness
of the cave. |
It was an unbelievable find even to the team of cavers and biologists
with the Croatian Biospeleological Society who discovered Zospeum
tholussum in the Lukina Jama-Trojama cave systems of western Croatia -
one of the 20 deepest cave systems in the world - on an expedition to
determine the cave's depth. The team collected all animal specimens
found along the way, since deep cave crevices are often promising places
to find new species, and happened upon one live sample of the new snail,
along with eight empty shells. It was discovered more than 3,000 feet
(914 metres) underground .
The team presented the elegant snail to taxonomist Alexander Weigand
at Goethe-University in Frankfurt, Germany, for help in identification.
Weigand determined that this particular species had never before been
found, but that it is related to other known species.
The new snail and other related species are particularly slow-moving,
even by snail standards.
“They only creep a few millimeters or centimeters a week, and mainly
in circles, grazing at one point where they live,” Weigand said.
Daredevil act on a 84ft-high gas tower
Risk: Walking around huge 84-ft-high
gas tower |
If you are suffering from acrophobia - fear of heights - don’t ever
think of following James Kingston, the thrill-seeking free runner from
Romsey, Hampshire,UK.
Daredevil James Kingston, 23, who climbed this 84ft-tower then walked
around the foot-wide rim said: “I had always wanted to scale the gas
“I walked around the rim twice. It was amazing. The view was
incredible. Seeing the sunrise was amazing.” But James’s dawn antics at
the gasometer in Northam, Southampton, didn’t go down well with police.
A spokesman said: “He could have easily died if he’d fallen.
Witnesses could be affected or hurt if he fell.” Earlier this year the
daredevil filmed himself climbing a 250ft-high crane, then hanging from
it with just one hand. He pulled off the death-defying stunt in
Southampton without the aid of any visible safety equipment.
witnessing the daring spectacle were aghast when he dropped one hand and
clung on with only five fingers. Thrill-seeker James said: “I didn’t go
up there to die. I went up there to live.”
Jonathan Trappe failed in his helium
filled balloon attempt |
Balloon trip ends in failure
Jonathan Trappe, powered by 300-helium-filled balloons intended to
reach “somewhere in Europe” - maybe France to be the first to cross the
Atlantic in this type of modified vehicle. He left Caribou, Maine in the
US and after being in the he had to experience technical difficulties
and had to land his balloon craft near the Gulf of Lawrence in New
Foundland. Canada.
Announcing the end of his mission he said: ‘Hmm, this doesn’t look
like France.’
Trappe, from North Carolina, said air conditions would dictate
whether he succeeded or failed, remarking beforehand: ‘But it’s a
double-edged sword. It’s the only thing that will carry me across, but
bad conditions could also ruin the attempt or endanger my life.’ |